Saturday, June 12, 2010

party pros&cons

I went to a party last night. It was no ordinary party, either. It was literally the best party I've ever been to. We drove about 50 minutes out in the middle of nowhere to some deserted farm and went down a big hill to where the party was being held. They had a DJ set up, a longbed trailer for seating, and a station for beer pong. It was pretty legit. 

  • There were a shit ton of people there. It was such a fun environment to be in. People kept coming to us and going "Sam Lamp? Haaayyyy! *gasp* ROSE KING? AT A PARTY? THE VALEDICTORIAN AT A PARTY!?" It was silly.
  • Rose insulted Marshall Foster and I laughed soooooo hard. For those who don't know, he's one of the most popular kids in my class and got a girl a year ahead of us pregnant. He's talking to me and being all friendly when Rose comes up, so he's all "Rose King! How's yearbook going!?" and tries to pull her to him. So she yells "Don't touch me! I don't want to catch the pregnant!" and he gets pissed and yells back "FUCK. YOU. YOU. BITCH." Hahahahahahaha. <3
  • I have really terrible hearing, which gives us funny ass quotes. I think the best one was when Emily was sitting on the ground trying not to get sick while Rose and I were standing beside her smoking. She said something about her ass getting eaten by bugs, but I heard "I feel like the class ass president." Then there was "I thought you said her nails look like a urinal." Bahaha.
  • Scott's car keys were stolen. He doesn't have a spare key since there's some kind of chip in the original set, and he has no idea what he's going to do.
  • I woke up with a bruise on my right arm with no recollection of how I got it. I never fell into anything and I only body checked one guy that I know of.
  • Emily started feeling sick early on in our adventure and went to sit in Dustin's truck with him and sit it off. This started rumors that Emily and Dustin had sex and were dating because of it. lol.
  • Some kid literally dropped from drinking so much. He got pissed on by tons of guys. Fuckin' nasty.
Yeah, I had a blast. We came home around 1 or 2 and I slept better than I have in weeks. Ah, it was great. Then we woke up around 7 to my mom running into my room shouting "There's a tornado!" to be an ass and make us have breakfast with her.

SUNDAY UPDATE: Scott found his car keys! Technically Michael Kurtz's mom found his keys, but he can drive again!