Tuesday, June 22, 2010

hi again

Did anyone miss me during my three day absence? I've been partying every night since Friday and haven't had time to come home and sit on my computer. Right now I'm trying to recuperate from last night. I got way too drunk, puked the fuck up, and am now suffering from a very lovely hangover. Oh and I have poison ivy all over my arms and hands, to top it off! My life is in such a great place right now. ;)

I'll have a "real" update tomorrow for ya'll. I'm going to go downstairs and try to get some food down, then maybe mess around on Photoshop and After Effects for a while before I go to bed. I installed both of those a few days ago and I'm so exciiiiited. I also updated my phone with the OS 4 software and I love it. Can't wait to get the new iPhone. ^_^

PS: I really miss my Slagathor. :( He's in Jamaica being one of God's helpers or something ultra-lame like that. I won't be able to talk to him until Emily and I arrive in Kentucky on the 29th! Sad face!