Thursday, April 28, 2011

starbucks, all-nighters, and ignorant missourians..

I'm drinking a soy chai latte from Starbucks and it is soooo goooodddd.
I haven't had Starbucks in such a long time. 

#funfact: I have a gold card at Starbucks. When I first moved to the SLC, I'd go there literally every day before work and buy a drink, and sometimes again after work. If I wanted Starbucks in Missouri I'd have to travel an hour and twelve minutes to St. Joseph.. There's one that's less than a five minute walk from here and one on 400 S that I pass daily. I couldn't help myself.

ANYWAY. Now it's Friday. Guess what I did last night!

Yay for college and not studying until the absolute last second!

I completely aced the final though. I'm so proud of myself. Third final I've aced this week. :')

Now I want to blog about something that's really been bothering me. Earlier in the week, I was browsing Facebook and I saw a status that started with "I don't like muslim people and I think their religion is stupid and flat out wrong."

So I'm like, hm.. I literally just took an exam over Islam and aced it, I don't recall it being stupid or flat out wrong. So I had to insert my opinion.. That's when shit hit the fan.

....They multiply then destroy and conquer? Are you freakin' kidding me? And to say that the religion is nothing like Christianity? Bullshit. BULLSHIT. I'd like to know where he got his information from because everything he's saying is wrong.

God. It makes me so mad sometimes to look at people from Trenton on Facebook. Everyone is so ignorant. I want to go back for the summer to be with my family, but I don't want to be surrounded like idiots like this guy.

Oh, and to top it off, Derek posted this picture on Facebook today:

And you'll never guess who left the first comment...

It just makes me so mad. I highly doubt either of them know anything about the Islam religion and yet they are both okay with bashing it. It's just not right. I don't go around hating on Christians and their beliefs because I don't share them. It's not appropriate. That's not something that human beings do. What the hell.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I'm sick of blogging.
I'm sick of Salt Lake.
I'm sick of packing away all of my clothes except the outfits I'm going to wear for the next 11 days.

so I'm not packing anymore.

But I have successfully cleaned out all of my drawers and my side of the closet. Now all that's left is the bra lamp, everything in and on my desk, and a bunch of other stuff. I honestly don't know if all of my stuff, Rose, and I can fit in my car next Saturday..

Um, so what I have done since my last post?

Corinne's sister Abby came up for the weekend. We went to the Grand Kerfuffle on Friday. It was kind of dumb because we missed Chiddy Bang and then Mike Posner only felt like playing slow, boring songs on the piano. Oh and Stu and I called things off again so I was mad/sad about that too.

So then on Saturday, we traveled down to South Jordan to the Sri Ganesha Hindu Temple. It felt kind of like we were intruding on the temple though. We were the only people in there besides some priests. So we were walking around the statues of different deities, trying to whisper as quietly as possible, but I failed at being quiet because one of the priests came up and started talking to us. It was a really good talk. He explained that Hindus believe in only one God and that they worship that one God through all of the different deities. No matter who they're praying to - Krishna, Ganesh, Shiva, etc. - the prayers are going to go to God. The priest explained it in the way that you don't talk to your cell phone, you talk through your cell phone to another person. It's the same way. The Hindu people don't worship the statues of Ganesh, they worship through Ganesh to God.

Shiva surrounded by two Ganesh statues

Ganesh; the priest offered us the three apples on the right after talking to us.

Later that night I hung out with a bunch of people from Best Buy. It was fun, different from the hang-outs I'm used to here at the dorms. On Sunday, Paul and I went to the library to study.. I think he worked on his math project while I finished up the current season of Parks and Recreation on Hulu. I honestly don't remember what else I did on Sunday. I may have watched Ratatouille..

Yesterday, Amanda and I shared a presentation on Jacques Prévert in French. Today I aced an exam over Islam. Tomorrow I will hopefully ace the final we have in mythology. 

Ummmm, yeah. 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

shopping and studying... my favorites

On Monday, Corinne and I drove to Murray to go shopping. She really wanted some BareMinerals by BareEssentials makeup cause the foundation we've been using tends to make us look orange. It's annoying. The first store we went into was Nordstroms...

Corinne was in love with this pair of Jimmy Choo's:

And I'll admit, they are a pretty sexy pair of shoes. But guess how much they cost...

Holy shit, right?

We also found a couple pairs of BC shoes that were super cute.

What was interesting about them was their name. Most shoes have women's names, like Katharine or Clara. I've always wondered why. "Can I get Clara in a 9?" It sounds weird. But I guess its easier to accept than...

"Can I get Grilled Cheese in a 9?"

I guess that's why they use women's names.. it sounds better than "grilled cheese." 

So then we went to the BareEssentials store and I watched Corinne get her makeup done. It was pretty boring and the lady doing her face looked so angry with her life. I guess its understandable though, because people probably come in every day and get their makeup done then don't buy anything. 

Then we went to Zupas. I got a grilled cheese (delicious) and tomato soup with basil (disgusting). Corinne got a turkey cranberry sandwich. Yummmm. Then we went over to 8th & 8th to this consignment store called EmilieJayne. It was so ridiculously cute. The store was jam packed full of shit but managed to look classy. And everything was sorted by color, which was cool.

Then we went back to the dorms where I finished Glee season 1 and the PBRs in my fridge and Corinne went to Scott's. I also played Never Have I Ever on Skype with Scott Mayfield and totally dominated. I am such a badass.

Tuesday was boring. Corinne and I watched Chloe after lunch (which I highly recommend, its such a strange movie and you see Amanda Seyfried's and Julianne Moore's boobs) and then took naps. I didn't wake up until right before 6:30 and I thought Paul's wind ensemble concert started at 7 so I powerwalked like a boss all the way down to the bottom of campus. I got there in 20 minutes, all sweaty and unattractive, only to find out the show didn't start until 7:30. Yeah. If only I knew how to read concert tickets...

After the show, Paul, Corinne and I went to Noodles. We were going to go to the Pie but Paul had it the night before and it was suuuuper packed so we didn't think we'd be able to get a table. Paul and I were all for getting Pizza Hut instead but Corinne thinks its really greasy and disgusting so she wouldn't let us. Yeah, its basically more grease than pizza, but thats what makes it delicious! And the pan crust. You can never go wrong with pan crust. My mouth is watering now just thinking about it. Anyway, we had Noodles. Then we went back to my room and watched Daybreakers. It's a really terrible vampire movie. I mean, seriously terrible. Any time the vampires see sun or get stabbed anywhere, they explode. The idea for the movie is a good one, in my opinion, but how they went about it was dumb.

Wednesday was even less exciting than Tuesday. Corinne and I slept through all of our classes (for the third time in the past week) and then spent 1pm-6:30pm at the library studying. We only left because she had to go to her last sorority thing of the semester, so I made dinner and watched Glee season 2 for about an hour, then went back to studying from about 8pm-1am. And the annoying thing is that I feel like I barely accomplished anything. I'm studying for my history final next Friday. My professor put up 3 potential exam questions, but each question has seven questions inside of it. It's freaking ridiculous. So yesterday I read 52 pages and took 14 pages of notes... and I didn't answer a single question. I have 3 chapters left to read and take notes on, which will probably take me the next 3 days. I have other finals to study for and a project for French due on Monday I need to work on. This stupid history class is taking up all of my time. Gr.

This blog post is too long. I guess I'll go back to studying. But I'd like to leave you with a picture of the super cool Fanta I got yesterday in the library café.

I had to search all over the bottom level of the library for someone who could hook me up with a bottle opener because the stupid bottle wouldn't twist open... but the drink was delectable.

Corinne, Paul and I are in the library again. The table beside us has been here as long as we have and they are.. interesting to listen to. The girl only wants to do sports for the rest of her life, so college is a bore for her, but at the same time she loves learning. One guy really likes learning too but he also likes his classes. And the guy who just showed up, the girl was making fun of him for spelling "cheek" as "chick." Then she asked him "Why was 6 afraid of 7?" and he said "Because of 8." Hahaha, apparently he's not the brightest. I love it.

Monday, April 18, 2011

les docteurs sait mieux

Last week in French we read part of a play called Le Malade imaginaire. It's about a man who goes to a doctor and insists he's sick in multiple places and the doctor tells him its his lungs bothering him after every statement. Today we had to create a dialogue between doctors and a patient. I played a crocodile. I definitely stole the show. Our teacher thought my lines were hilarious.

NATALIE: Je suis triste. I am sad.
AMANDA: On sait de comment tu dois avoir. We know what you must have.
KATIE: Il est urgent que tu achetes un crocodile. It is urgent that you buy a crocodile.
SAM: Achetez-moi! Buy me!
NATALIE: Mais j'ai un portefeuille mal... But I have a poor wallet...
YOUNG: Mais il est utile que tu donnes les pomme de terres et beaucoup du vin à ton crocodile. But it is  useful to give potatoes and a lot of wine to your crocodile.
SAM: Donnez-moi des aliment! Feed me!
NATALIE: Mais je n'aime pas des pomme de terres... But I don't like potatoes...
AMANDA: Il vaudrait mieux que t'aimes ton crocodile. It would be best for you to love your crocodile.
SAM: Aimez-moi! Love me!
NATALIE: Mais j'ai un cœur brisé. But I have a broken heart.
KATIE: Il ne faut pas que tu manges ton crocodile. You should not eat your crocodile.
SAM: Ne mangez-moi pas! Don't eat me!
NATALIE: Mais j'ai très faim... But I am very hungry...
YOUNG: Il est important que tu joues aux cartes avec ton crocodile. It's important to play cards with your crocodile.
SAM: Jouez avec moi! Play with me!
NATALIE: Mais je n'ai pas des cartes... But I don't have cards...
AMANDA: On est les docteurs! We are doctors!
KATIE: On sait mieux! We know best!

penis cake, yummmm!

We decided to take Trax down to Chili's for dinner on Saturday.. bad idea. We arrived at the stadium at the same time as 30 ambulances and police cars were pulling up. Apparently some frat guy was standing too close to the edge of the platform and fell underneath the train. You can click here to read an article about it. In the video one of the captions is "STUDENT HIT MY TRAIN." I thought it was funny. The typo, not what happened. Buuut yeah, it was an awkward situation. We were on the same side of Trax as the frat and their dates (it was their formal) and this one girl was soooo hysterical. She kept screaming, "OH MY FUCKING GODDDDDD!" and crying and making a ruckus. I did not approve. Showing emotions in public is for children. 

Corinne and I went for a hike today after we woke up. As we were walking somewhere above Sunnyside Ave., we stumbled upon the This Is The Place Heritage Park. There's a little village set up that's supposed to be just like the one the first Mormon pioneers created when they moved to Utah. It's pretty cute but was totally empty since its Sunday and Mormons aren't allowed to leave their homes or something to that effect. (I'm just kidding, Corinne, I love you). Anyway, there was a lady putting warm milk in old fashioned Coke bottles to feed to the baby sheep and she let me and Corinne help her feed them. Then she told us we could pick up the baby pigs if we could catch them. I totally caught both of them. I'm such a beast. They squealed bloody murder though so we didn't hold them for very long. 

Paul and I made dinner again tonight. I fixed fettuccine alfredo and he made shake-n-baked chicken and french fries.

Then I made a cake. All by myself because everyone else was too busy playing their dumb Monopoly game to help me.

Doesn't it look delicious? That's because it was. Mmmmm. I guess I can give some credit to Paul and Scott, who drew the penis. But don't believe Paul's lies when he claims he baked the cake. That was all me. I only let him draw a penis on the cake because my penis came out really squiggly and deformed..

Isn't she cute?

Soooo yeah, that was the rest of my weekend. I guess I also signed up for classes for next semester.
  • FRNCH 2010 - Intermediate French I, MTWH 9:40am-10:30am
  • FINAN 3000 - Fundamentals of Investing, MW 10:45am-12:05pm
  • ECON 2010 - Principles of Microeconomics, TH 10:45am-12:05pm
  • FILM 1600 - Animation: Then and Now, TH 2:00pm-3:20pm
  • ESSF 1057 - Yoga Elementary, MW 7:00pm-8:00pm
  • ASTR 2060 - Popular Observational Astronomy, TH 7:15pm-9:00pm
18 credit hours, tioooppp.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

crimson nights

So on Thursday, Corinne and I were driving to the gas station to get drinks when my car hit 123456 miles!

But I took the picture right as it changed to 123457.

Later that night Paul Kim made me dinner again...

Made me drive him to sushi again...

Then made brownies in my kitchen until 2 am again...

Yesterday at work we did a bunch of Easter-related activities. We set up three stations outside for the kids to go to. Mine had sack races and three-legged races; Majik had a tug-o-war rope set up; and Beckie and Laura did a race where the kids had to carry a spoon in their mouths and balance an egg. Then we had an egg hunt around the school. It was really cute and fun. I got a sunburn from the two hours we spent in the sun.

Three-legged race: Mirian and Kristy take the lead as Juan and Eli struggle to get back up.

After work, Corinne and I met up at the Gateway to find me an outfit for Crimson Nights. If you're not familiar with Crimson Nights, it's this huge party ASUU throws in the Union every couple of months to bring the students together. There are carnival rides, henna tattooing, free food, and a dance in the ballroom that's basically just a big drunk orgy.

This guy was running around the Gateway showing off his nice booty.

This was the shirt I bought at F21 to wear to Crimson Nights.
I wore it over the first black dress shown in this post along with some leggings and black vans.

Now Stuart, Paul, Ryan and I are sitting in the library studying.. kind of. I've been blogging for the last hour, Paul's been reading every newspaper he can find, and Stuart is.. I'm not sure what's he doing. Mostly he's been staring at me. Ryan's the only one doing any actually work. I'm trying to convince Corinne to come down to the library and study Islam with me but she keeps rejecting me. Story of my life.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

wildlife wednesday

I feel like people enjoy my blogs more when it has less ranting and more pictures.

Technically, it's already Thursday but I haven't slept yet so ITS STILL WEDNESDAY TO ME. 
Everyone knows what Wednesday means... Wildlife Wednesday! This concept was introduced to students at the U by my roommate Corinne and her sister Abby. It's really simple. Basically, you wear a shirt every Wednesday that has some form of wildlife on it and you cannot re-wear that shirt on another Wildlife Wednesday. It simply isn't done. For examples of shirts I've worn since January, you can click here, which will show you every post on Dailybooth tagged with #wildlifewednesday. Or you can look below:

If you want to join in on the Wildlife Wednesday festivities but don't own any wildlife t-shirts, do not fear! Just head on down to your local thrift store (probably a D.I. if you live in Utah). These places are literally crawling with animal t-shirts. It's where Corinne and Abby have gotten most of ours from.

In other news, Stuart and I are back together. Kind of. The only difference is that we're not facebook official (since there's only 3 weeks of school left and we're not staying together over the summer - it's just not worth it), we're not "boyfriend and girlfriend," and we're not going to spend every second together like we were before the break-up.

I received my first college F yesterday. It was on that stupid Christianity exam we took last Thursday in World Religions. I honestly didn't know any of the short answers. And since I didn't know a lot of the multiple choice questions either, I couldn't base my short answers off of already answered multiple choice questions! Ugh, it was horrible.

But then I went to the gas station Corinne and I have become regulars at to get a 44oz Mountain Dew before work and saw this beauty parked next to me. It's a Nissan Maxima but instead of Maxima it says Maxipad. Utahns are so clever with their license plates and other assorted rear end accessories. I love it!

One of my kids came to school today with a huge coloring book that told a story and I was completely blown away by how fantastic it was. Seriously. I couldn't stop fawning. So when Paul Kim wanted to go to Smith's to buy brownie supplies, I couldn't help but buy a coloring book for myself. I swear it's causing my stress to melt away. I'm having such a blast coloring Toy Story characters.

Toy Story 3 is now on Netflix instant watch, so maybe I'll watch it tomorrow while I color. Tip.

So anyway, we bought all of the supplies to make brownies, along with chips and dip, my coloring book and a huge bottle of lemonade. Bridget, Becca and Paul's friend Rudi from the drumline joined us. Paul found some super sketchy vegetable oil in one of the cabinets and used it in the brownies, so they tasted disgusting. The oil had little flakes floating in the bottom that looked like pepper. I didn't trust it. Apparently he and Stuart used it the first time we made spaghetti in the kitchen though.. so it must be okay, seeing as how I haven't gotten food poisoning or died or anything.

Then as I was taking things back down to my room, I encountered a pizza box on the stairs...

Becca and I inspected it and, instead of being a piping hot pizza left by an angel of a delivery boy, it was some old half-eaten pizza. I was thoroughly disappointed.

It's now 2:22 am. I probably won't get into bed until at least 3 am because I'm still pretty wide awake. But Corinne just conned me into turning the lights off and I'm starting to get sleepy. I discovered that the song "You Really Got A Hold On Me" defines our relationship perfectly. Bah!

She and Him - You Really Got A Hold On Me

Sunday, April 10, 2011

birthday weekend

Friday started off like any other Friday. I skipped all of my classes, had Noodles for lunch and then went swimming at work. When I got home, Corinne went to Werner's birthday dinner (I wasn't invited), so I started watching the first season of Glee on Netflix. Paul Kim said he would invite me to his birthday dinner but forgot about me so I made spaghetti for myself. So to sum up the majority of my Friday night, I had dinner alone, watched Glee alone, and got schwasty alone.

This is my spaghetti in the making. It was delicious.

Then I was finally invited to Stu and Paul's birthday party. I guess I had a good time. We watched Family Guy, listened to classic Disney soundtracks on youtube, and then went to bed... That sounds really lame, but I promise it was fun.

Stuart being attacked by Paul and Sean

Paul refusing to have his picture taken.

Paul's crotch and my vampire legs.

Tired birthday boy!

So on Saturday, Corinne and I went to the Village Inn. I basically ate $30 worth of food on my own... What can I say, I'm a sucker for omelettes, bacon and pie when I don't have to make them. 

Corinne posing with our Fresh Strawberry pie.

Then we went to Sugarhouse to visit DI. We ended up shopping at Michael's, Nordstrom Rack, and  Toys"R"Us before we made it down to the DI. Corinne bought a bunch of card making supplies at Michael's for Scott's birthday and I bought plaster cat magnets and a cat bobblehead that I'm in the process of painting as a belated birthday gift for Paul Kim. At Nordstrom, I bought a new pair of Vans and a ring and Corinne got some cute black flats. She bought yet another Nerf gun at Toys"R"Us and tried to make me buy six more for her.. If only I wasn't dirt poor. Then she got some oversized sweaters from the DI to wear with leggings. 

Then I did 8 loads of laundry. This was the end result:


I hadn't done laundry since.. before Spring Break.. so probably around the beginning of March. That means that the clothes I wore to the Festival of Colors still hadn't been washed. There was cornstarch all over my dirty laundry. I tried to beat the color out of my clothes before washing them... 

The wall opposite looked the same way, as did the ceiling.

I also cleaned up and organized my side of the room. Finally.

For dinner, Corinne and I joined Sean, Stu, Paul and Zack at the Pie. Coco and I ordered a pizza pull-a-part and a 12-inch pizza. We had to leave early so Corinne could go watch Your Highness with Scott.. so once again I left alone in our room on a weekend night. 

Corinne and our pizza.

So I Skyped and drank with Christian and Scott for multiple hours! We had  competition to see who could draw the best cat, Christian kept drawing on his free Starbucks "mugs," and we had a group video chat with their Korean friend Harris who was impressed with my collection of Korean food! I kept trying to take screenshots of our conversation but Christian would never hold still long enough for me to remember which keys to press. 

That's all I have. Christian was trying to show me how he wrote "BLOW ME" on the bottom of his cup. 

Ummm, what did I do next? Oh yeah. I went over to Stuart's to drink more and play one game of Monopoly that lasted for three hours. Holy. Crap. It was so boring. I had more money than anyone else, but I also only owned three properties.


My spots were landed on a lot, but they only gave me $100 each time. Lame. Stuart ended up winning. Also lame. Sean was a crack up throughout the game though. Proof:

Out of nowhere he started singing..

Then he played "Nail" with Paul. I always love seeing Paul in pain.

Overall, its been a pretty good weekend.