Wednesday, June 30, 2010


So hi, hello. I'm in Kentucky. I got in yesterday (Tuesday) around 5:00 and since Davis wouldn't be back to town until midnight, I wasted the rest of the day. I hung out with this kid named Jacob for a few hours and drove around Owensboro with him. After that I came back to Henderson, got my first "real" food of the day at Arby's (jr. roast beef and mozzarella sticks - SO GOOD), then sat in their parking lot and slept. When I finally got to Davis's house, we sat in his room and tried to convince people on Omegle that we were a sensual black male looking for intimate phone sex.. It didn't work. :( Then I blacked out on his brother Tate's futon. 

Today, we chilled at the house for a while before heading off to have some mcfun. Here's a picture of me livin' it up in Davis's room:

I look so excited, hahah. Anyway, our first stop was at McDonalds for lunch, where I was harassed by some old man while standing in line. Then we went to the zoo and paid two dollars for a leaf of lettuce to feed to the giraffes. :D It was so much fun. The giraffes' tongues felt like sandpaper, it was such a strange feeling. After that we headed over to the mall to browse and kill time before we had dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings. It was my first time ever eating there.. I got some fries and boneless wings with medium sauce and it made my lips feel like they were on fire. They weren't bad, but I probably won't be going back.

THEN WE SAW ECLIPSE. >:O It wasn't terrible. Kristen's acting has definitely improved and she seems to have learned to keep her mouth closed when she's not talking. I don't like that they changed the actress who played Victoria. But yeah, not a bad movie. I'd have to say the best part was when they showed the preview for the next Harry Potter movie. Oh god, I had chills throughout the whole thing. It looks so good. I'm nearly finished rereading the book, so I'm excited! It's a good thing my roommates like Harry Potter, or else I'd be seeing the movie alone in November, haha. 

Anyway, it's late so I believe I'm going to read a bit then head to bed. Davis and I are having lunch at some Mexican place tomorrow, then I'm enduring another seven and a half hour trip back to Missouri. I'm definitely not ready for that. The driving wasn't too bad - I had expected it to be much harder - but it was so boring being alone for so long. Plus most of the drive was like 70 minutes of driving on one road, taking an exit, 70 minutes on the new road, then a new exit. Very repetitive and laaaaame. Oh well, I've gotta be strong and endure. Goodnight, everyone. :)

Sunday, June 27, 2010


I didn't come back to update last night and I'm sorry. I didn't get home until almost 4 am and I went straight to bed. My night was pretty boring. Mostly sat around at Brent's watching everyone play with the new puppy (Jack) and play Call of Duty. Does it sound like a shitty night to you? Cause it definitely was.

I leave for Kentucky in two days. :) I can't wait. C-c-c-can't w-wait! I'll leave you today with this SUPER funny picture:


Saturday, June 26, 2010

how cute!

I changed the colors of my layout and added that little swirly icon thing. I really dig it. Got the brush from Swimchick and messed with the coloring and stufffff.

I'll post a proper update later tonight (maybe) depending on how my night goes! <3

Friday, June 25, 2010


This is my 50th post. #justsaying

Davis comes home in 4 days. :D We talked yesterday and it was so sweet! He's swimming with alligators today and I'm extremely jealous. Oh and apparently in Jamaica, it's bad ass to eat hand fried chicken while taking a shower that gives you a view of the ocean. Very cool, I approve. (y) Anyway, I'm nearly finished packing. Just have to find a suitable bag to store everything in. I'm so excited!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

chasing cars

I'm in a type of mood where I don't feel like I need to sleep. It's 12:11 a.m. and I have nothing important I need to work on so the logical thing would be going to bed, right? Instead, I think I'm going to practice some songs on the keyboard, read the last Harry Potter book, and clean my room again. Maybe I'll pick out the outfits I'm going to wear in Kentucky. I don't feel tired in any way and even though I have lunch plans with Rose in ten hours and I'm going to be so worn out from lack of sleep, I'm still not going to bed. I dono. I have a lot of things on my mind and doing these late night activities always help me clear my thoughts. I wish Davis was back in the States so I could text him about the things that are bothering me. Today is the 24th, meaning only 5 more days until he's back and I get to see him. I can't wait. :(

A few hours ago I learned the entirety of Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol on the keyboard. It's nothing to be really proud of since it's such a simple song to learn, but I'm still happy. It's one more I can add to my ever-growing list. Now I've got down Chasing Cars, Electric Car by Mars Argo, and Trouble and Speed of Sound by Coldplay. Awesome. 

Farewell, dear readers. Sweet dreams. 


I was watching this episode last night before I went to bed and I really enjoyed this part. Embedding has been disabled, so when you click play on the video, it'll give you a link to youtube to watch it. 

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

hi again

Did anyone miss me during my three day absence? I've been partying every night since Friday and haven't had time to come home and sit on my computer. Right now I'm trying to recuperate from last night. I got way too drunk, puked the fuck up, and am now suffering from a very lovely hangover. Oh and I have poison ivy all over my arms and hands, to top it off! My life is in such a great place right now. ;)

I'll have a "real" update tomorrow for ya'll. I'm going to go downstairs and try to get some food down, then maybe mess around on Photoshop and After Effects for a while before I go to bed. I installed both of those a few days ago and I'm so exciiiiited. I also updated my phone with the OS 4 software and I love it. Can't wait to get the new iPhone. ^_^

PS: I really miss my Slagathor. :( He's in Jamaica being one of God's helpers or something ultra-lame like that. I won't be able to talk to him until Emily and I arrive in Kentucky on the 29th! Sad face!

Saturday, June 19, 2010



"Eric threw a rabbit up a tree?"

This episode about Hyde's birthday is sooooo funny. Someday I'm going to buy every season of this show and, believe you me, it will be fantastic to sit and watch all at once.

It seems like every time I watch TV lately, I find a commercial that I really like. Today's commercial is for the new Kraft Homestyle Macaroni and Cheese. Personally, I don't think baked macaroni and cheese sounds good at all. I'm with the little girl on this one. Bring back the macaroni dinosaur. I liked him. (y)

Friday, June 18, 2010

skirts = dresses

I was going through my brother's closet today looking for hangers and I found three really old skirts that must've belonged to one of my grandma's. I, being the very crafty person that I am, transformed them from long, unappealing skirts to cute dresses! woo!

I'm going to make my grandma shorten the second one to the length I like it and maybe make it smaller at the top. The first one could be taken in at the top too, but I think it looks fine either way. :)

father's day

Father's Day is this Sunday. Last night I saw a Hallmark commercial that literally made me cry because it was so cute. I couldn't find the commercial on youtube, but if you click on this link and scroll down a bit, you can watch the commercial. I 'awww'd and cried because it's awesome. If I had a dad, I would hope he'd be cool and care enough to keep all of my Father's Day cards.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


We went camping last night! Or as Rose would say, we set up our tamp and went kinting! ;) It was so sicky gnar, let me tell you! Emily, Rose, Derek, Jessie, and Zack were present and we had suuuuch a blast making potatoes, caramelized apples, and eating P-Hut pizza. We also had some very yummy drinks and introduced ourselves as the Crystal Panthers to our very kind neighbors, who were nice enough to help us make a fire.

Here are some extremely funny quotes from last night:

"I'm so like bed right now." - Emily

"Derek! Derek!" - Rose
"Shh man, we have neighbors!" - Me
"I bet the neighbors know your name." - Rose

"I could do this in just about a snap." - Zach 
"And a couple of cracks and about fifty pops." - Jessie

"So let's say you, Sam, Jessie, Zack, and I are all toes." - Rose
"I'd say you're on some crazy shit, who's your dealer?" - Jessie
    Today, Rose and I set off around 8:30 for Chillicothe to buy her a cell phone. What time is it now, 3:12 pm? I just got home and all we did was buy that phone. We had to return to Trenton twice to get her social security card and more money, and we traveled all over Chillicothe looking for food and comparing the deals at AT&T and Verizon. She settled on a blue Samsung Reality from Verizon. It's pretty nice, although I was partial to the Motorola Backflip at AT&T. I think she settled for Verizon only because it was cheaper. She has absolutely no credit, so she'd have to pay $500 to AT&T to get a phone, while Verizon would only charge her $400. Plus, she'll build like twenty bucks in interest at Verizon, so! She is now going to become a text messaging machine and I am very excited. <:D (excited face)

    Wednesday, June 16, 2010


    I really want to start vlogging. But I don't only want to do it from my MacBook. I want to record all of the things that happen in my daily activities and show the world. I have a Vixia HV40 but my band director lost the firewire for it. In a nice enough gesture he bought me another one.. but it's a 9-pin to 9-pin, when I need a 4-pin to 6-pin. So I just bought myself another 4-to-6. The only problem is that when I want to upload my footage, I'll have to use the Dell downstairs and it's gone to shit since I stopped using it. My brother has downloaded tons of games and Nickelback songs so it's slow and crappy now. So that will really suck. I wish I would have bought a MacBook Pro that comes with a firewire port. Oh well. I plan on buying a Flip Cam soon enough. But I also want a new camera, ipod, and the iPhone 4. I know for sure that I'm going to be buying the new iPhone before I leave for college. Can't go off to a new state without having the most up-to-date shit, I always say! (Actually, I've never said that before now). ANYWAY, yes, I am so pumped for that. Frontward AND backward facing cameras? iMovie on the go? I can't wait.

    While I was in Kansas City on Monday, I returned that white dress I bought a few weeks ago. I didn't really think that white material would clash so hard with my white skin. But it did and looked terrible, so I took it back. I now have a dandy little Forever 21 card with $21.32 on it. 

    I like this dress a lot, but if I buy it I'll only have $1.44 left on the card. So I'm gonna wait and hope there's a Forever 21 somewhere on the way to Kentucky that will have this dress in the size I want.

    Oh, also! A few days ago I posted a video of one of YACHT's live shows. Yesterday I saw a commercial for the new 2010 Cadillac SRX Crossover, which features a remix of YACHT's song 'Psychic City.'

    Tuesday, June 15, 2010


    Yesterday, Mom and I found some really cute wall decals for Nick's room at Babies R' Us.

    Here's the view above Nick's crib.

    And this is above his bed. :)

    I also bought him a little stuffed monkey, whom Mom has dubbed Mr. Monkeyman. I'm not a fan of the name, but Nick really enjoys it. Mom's dressed him up in a diaper and one of Nick's newborn outfits. So cute. :)

    Look at him sitting in the super cute owl highchair. ;)

    I suppose while I'm showing off pictures I can show you guys how I randomly cut my shoulder in the shower today. I'm guessing I did it with my nail.. but my nails aren't extremely long so I'm not exactly sure.


    Monday, June 14, 2010


    I have just implemented three four changes to the blog:
    1. If you click that cute little icon of Carol and Max, you'll be directed to a page where you can follow me! I don't know if anyone actually wants to do that, but if so.. cool. :)
    2. I changed the number of posts per page to five. If you want to see my older posts, you'll have to check out the archives in the navigation bar on the right. I tried to figure out how to click the month and have a list drop down displaying the posts, but I failed. :( Maybe someday.
    3. I found a way to enable comments! Yay! I got the code from this blog and added her to the credits section of the navigation bar. 
    4. Oh yeah, I added a credits section. I figure as I add shit, I'll need to credit people for their work. So there we go!


    My mom and I shopped for eleven hours today. The only thing on our list was size 2 nipples for Nicholas' bottles.. Seriously, we couldn't find them anywhere. We went to multiple Walmarts and Targets without any success. Then after getting lost and winding up in some random suburb of Kansas City, we went to Babies R' Us and only found one package of the nipples. My mom wanted five. By this time we were tired and hungry, so we headed across the street to the Olive Garden where I actually tried something new. Crazy, right? I feel like I need to be more open to change. So I ordered the Grilled Shrimp Caprese, but with chicken. The only time I've ever liked shrimp was when an ex and I went to Happy Sumo and it was fried with tempura and veggies. Mmm. Anyway, here's a picture from the OG website of the grilled shrimp version of what I ordered:

    It was really yummy and filled me up quick. I barely touched my plate before I was ready to box it up. I also kind of got into it with my waiter. I think he was new, cause it took him multiple tries to get everything we wanted. Like when we were ordering our drinks, I asked for a raspberry tea. What did he bring me? A Bellini Peach-Raspberry tea. I'm like, "Err, I asked for a raspberry tea," which he replies with, "Oh, we don't make just raspberry tea." I go to the OG all the time and I always get raspberry tea, so I'm just like "Dude seriously, I know you have the ability to make me one. But okay, if you don't think, I can settle." I'm a bitch, I know. So later he brings me a raspberry tea and apologizes profusely because apparently they "just received the supplies to make raspberry tea, they must be behind all the other Olive Gardens I've been too, he didn't know, etc. etc." Yeah, alright. Then he never brings us more salad or breadsticks, doesn't ask for refills, takes his sweet time doing everything. I dono, it wasn't the best dining experience I've had.

    Anyway, I also bought some stuff for my dorm room today. Until today the only things I had bought were towels and washcloths. I now have ivory colored sheets, two pillows, and a mattress pad. None of the places we went to had any colors I liked for comforters, so I'll probably have to order that stuff online. I feel like I'm better equipped now though, now that I have more than towels. AND I didn't have to buy anything myself. My mommy bought everything for me.. Even after she found out that I'm not a virgin anymore.. hahahahaha. 

    Sunday, June 13, 2010


    So Davis showed me this video and I really dig it. It made me laugh a lot. It's too bad their upcoming SLC show with Phoenix got cancelled. :(

    Saturday, June 12, 2010

    party pros&cons

    I went to a party last night. It was no ordinary party, either. It was literally the best party I've ever been to. We drove about 50 minutes out in the middle of nowhere to some deserted farm and went down a big hill to where the party was being held. They had a DJ set up, a longbed trailer for seating, and a station for beer pong. It was pretty legit. 

    • There were a shit ton of people there. It was such a fun environment to be in. People kept coming to us and going "Sam Lamp? Haaayyyy! *gasp* ROSE KING? AT A PARTY? THE VALEDICTORIAN AT A PARTY!?" It was silly.
    • Rose insulted Marshall Foster and I laughed soooooo hard. For those who don't know, he's one of the most popular kids in my class and got a girl a year ahead of us pregnant. He's talking to me and being all friendly when Rose comes up, so he's all "Rose King! How's yearbook going!?" and tries to pull her to him. So she yells "Don't touch me! I don't want to catch the pregnant!" and he gets pissed and yells back "FUCK. YOU. YOU. BITCH." Hahahahahahaha. <3
    • I have really terrible hearing, which gives us funny ass quotes. I think the best one was when Emily was sitting on the ground trying not to get sick while Rose and I were standing beside her smoking. She said something about her ass getting eaten by bugs, but I heard "I feel like the class ass president." Then there was "I thought you said her nails look like a urinal." Bahaha.
    • Scott's car keys were stolen. He doesn't have a spare key since there's some kind of chip in the original set, and he has no idea what he's going to do.
    • I woke up with a bruise on my right arm with no recollection of how I got it. I never fell into anything and I only body checked one guy that I know of.
    • Emily started feeling sick early on in our adventure and went to sit in Dustin's truck with him and sit it off. This started rumors that Emily and Dustin had sex and were dating because of it. lol.
    • Some kid literally dropped from drinking so much. He got pissed on by tons of guys. Fuckin' nasty.
    Yeah, I had a blast. We came home around 1 or 2 and I slept better than I have in weeks. Ah, it was great. Then we woke up around 7 to my mom running into my room shouting "There's a tornado!" to be an ass and make us have breakfast with her.

    SUNDAY UPDATE: Scott found his car keys! Technically Michael Kurtz's mom found his keys, but he can drive again!

    Friday, June 11, 2010

    jesus sausage

    I seriously just died laughing. I'm officially cheered up because of this picture:

    I was looking up (this is going to make me sound like such a weirdo) kittens, puppies, cats, and dogs on weheartit and this picture popped up. Bahahaha. SO FUNNY.

    Thursday, June 10, 2010


    OKAY GUYS, I HAVE IMPORTANT NEWS. Instead of going to college to become a film head, I'm going to stay at home in my room and play songs on my keyboard. Then I'll record my songs and put them on YouTube! I hope this is okay with everyone. It saves me $30,000+ every year and I get to stay home with all of my Trenton friends!!!!! yayayayayyyY!!!!

    Fuck that, just kidding. But really, I'm becoming such a beast at the keyboard. I'm pissed that I never took lessons as a kid. My mom today told me it was because the only thing I would sit still during my childhood was cartoons.. completely understandable. I had some serious ADHD going on back in the day. Now it's progressed to OCD with spoons. Much better, ye?

    Oh and just to let ya'll know, I'm SO ANGRY RIGHT NOW. It's seriously unbelievable how mad I am at life and the world and people. GRR. I feel like when I type I need to caps and bold everything to show off my anger. baaaah!

    Wednesday, June 9, 2010


    Upcoming events:
    • June 29-July 1 // Roadtrip with Emily to Henderson, KY to play a mean game of paintball.
    • July 12-17 // Vacation with la familia to Salt Lake City.
    • July 14 // Orientation at the U.
    • August 15 // Last day I ever have to step foot in Royal Inn. This day cannot come soon enough.
    • August 18-19 // 17 hour drive to SLC, then move-in day at the dorms.
    • August 26 // She & Him!! ;D
    Also, sometime between my two trips to SLC Emily, Rose and I are going to go to some 18+ club in Kansas City we found. Emily's the most excited out of all of us, but it should be fun to let everyone in the ghetto see my whitegirl dance moves. Oh yeah.

    In other news, yesterday I learned Electric Car by Mars Argo on the keyboard and today I learned Speed of Sound and Trouble by Coldplay. I feel like such a badass.

    Circa Survive was on Jimmy Fallon last night. I cracked up so many times watching their performance. First of all, what's up with Anthony's haircut and pants? And that dancing? I lol'd when he climbed up to be with the audience. Typical Anthony. I love him.


    Yesterday I got Overheard in New York by S. Morgan Friedman and Michael Malice in the mail. I just finished it and I definitely plan on recommending it to everyone. It's hilarious. Below are some of the conversations I laughed at.

    Man #1: So did you get the golden ticket?
    Man #2: The what?
    Man #1: The golden ticket to the chocolate factory, did you get it?
    Man #2: What?
    Man #1: Anal! Did you hit her up the butt?
    Man #2: Oh! Ha-ha... yeah, finally.

    Girl: If your cat has kittens, can I name one of them Chairman Meow?
    Guy: If my cat has kittens, I'm going to put them in a plastic garbage bag and fling them into the river.
    Girl: That's not very gentlemanly. 

    High school boy #1: So anyway, I told my mom that I'm going to get my eyebrow pierced when I graduate.
    High school boy #2: Oh yeah? And what did she say?
    High school boy #1: She told me that if I got it pierced, she'd grab me by the eyebrow ring and swing me around the room until my face ripped off.

    A son is moving a table into the back of the truck.
    Mom: Be careful not to bend the legs when you push it in.
    Son: That's what she said.
    Mom: What?

    Woman #1: You blew that smoke right in my face!
    Woman #2: I don't control the wind, bitch!

    Guy #1: ...And he just kept chewing and chewing. Man, I felt so bad.
    Guy #2: Dude, why did you give a Twizzler to a giraffe?

    If you want, you can check out the Overheard in New York website. Looks like they'll even email you the ten best quotes of the week if you sign up for their mailing list. ;)

    Monday, June 7, 2010


    I have the biggest crush on George Clooney. He just turned 49 a month ago yesterday, but he's so smokin' hot.

    I want to see his new movie, The American, even though last night at 0:33 Rose went "He's trying to give himself head! OH MY GOD. That's really interesting Jeremy, but I'm gonna go home and eat myself out" and made me cry and miss part of the trailer.

    Oh and here are some hot pictures of George:

    new skrillex&mars

    Mars Argo - Electric Car (Live Acoustic)

    Skrillex - My Name is Skrillex EP Teaser

    Sonny Moore has really evolved from his old days back in From First to Last. His new EP "My Name is Skrillex" just came out today and it's free for download here, if you want it. :)


    Blogger is back up! I've had so much I've wanted to share with the world but I was so depriiiiiived.

    1. I watched Splice last night. I want so badly to spoil everything for whoever you are but I won't! I'll just say this: it's super fucked up and you should go watch it so we can talk about it. <3

    2. Rose, Emily and I went to the mall to kill the 6 hours between arriving in St. Joe and the time that the movie started. I arrived in the city wearing my normal attire: t-shirt, shorts, toms.

    We then decide that apparently it's all the rage to waste Sam's money on more clothes she doesn't need. It all started with this beautiful pair of yellow heels I found in DEB. By the time we got to JCPenney I was wearing them and found this suuuuper cute floral skirt that matched so well. So thennn we had to search for a good shirt to match the skirt and shoes. We decided on a yellow on from Vanity and the coral/salmon colored tank top Rose had on under her free Truman shirt. Let me just show you how flippin' adorable I am when I look like an actual girl:

    Yeah. The Mad Hatter hat pulls the whole look off. That ribbon totally matched Rose's tank! :)

    3. I finally got Rose to watch Avatar for the first time without falling asleep. She loved it but called it "predictable" ...jerk. Just because she's a certified genius and class valedictorian doesn't mean she can rub that shit in our faces. I want to learn the Na'vi language, but it's so complex and hard to understand. I spent hours one day reading through the 'how to speak Na'vi' file by the guy who wrote the language for the movie, Paul Frommer. I didn't pick up anything at all.

    4. I also want to throw it out there that I watched Hot Rod and I was severely disappointed. There were only two funny parts, both of which I had already heard abused by all of the kids at my high school. Gah.

    Sunday, June 6, 2010


    (This picture cracks me up so much)

    Thursday, June 3, 2010

    no blogs, just love

    I'm not going to lie to you. I love this picture.

    I'm not feeling in the blogging mood tonight. I've had a really shitty day and night, so I'm gonna go to bed and hope tomorrow isn't total shit too. Hopefully it isn't. It's supposed to be movie night with Emily and Rose.. Avatar, Hot Rod, and two other movies I can't remember because I was being a bad kid when we decided which ones to watch. Goodnight world, you're beautiful.

    Wednesday, June 2, 2010

    mind blowing pie

    I spent Memorial Day out in the middle of nowhere on my Uncle Greg's new farm. He and his wife bought 40+ acres of land that came with a massive fruit garden and 16 cows. It's actually kind of cool, besides the fact that it's 40 minutes away from any decent cities. I spent a lot of time playing with their two new lab puppies (Xander and Baxter, what sweet names!) and their daughter Madison. She's three months younger than my youngest brother, Nicholas. These are just a few of the super cute pictures I took of her Monday:

    The last one isn't Madison. I don't know if you could tell or not. It's my Aunt Casey's strawberry pie she made using some of the strawberries from their new garden. It was 'oh-my-god-amazing.' Seriously, strawberries are the best fruit ever. Put them in a pie and the result is just.. mind blowing.

    stuff white people like

    Stuff White People Like finally came in the mail! I started reading it tonight at work and it's hilarious! I lol'd many times on my break.. so much that I was probably freaking out the old guy in the booth next to mine. He kept turning around to give me questioning looks. I really like #9: Having Black Friends. Here's a little bit from that section:

    "The most important role that black friends can play in white culture is that they can be used as physical evidence that white people are not racist. Did you know that if you are able to acquire a friends of every race then you are officially designated as the least racist person on earth? Though this is impossible, white people treat it the same way that Buddhists view enlightenment - unattainable, but with great virtue in the attempt."

    Bahahaha. It just cracks me up. A lot. :) My only complaint about the book is my fault. I bought it used from Amazon and the edges are pretty torn up, plus the checklist in the back to find out how white you are has already been filled out twice. Oh well, I'll just put a key as to who wrote what. The previous owner was only 34% white. Hahaha.

    Tuesday, June 1, 2010


    I blog about the most unimportant things. I can't believe nearly 50 people have looked at this!

    Anyway, while I was buying things I didn't need off of Forever 21 I also bought a couple things off of Amazon. You may remember how I mentioned buying phone chargers, an N64 game, and a book on the 23rd? The chargers came within two days, the book's been shipped, but the game hasn't so apparently Amazon hasn't charged my debit card yet. Sweet. Well tonight I bought two more books, another car charger for my grandma, and a new AV cable for my N64 since I can't seem to find mine. The books are called The Hipster Handbook (by Robert Lanham) and Overheard in New York UPDATED: Conversations from the Streets, Stores, and Subways (by S. Morgan Friedman and Michael Malice). They both sound like they're going to be really good reads. I hope I'm not disappointed.

    While we're on the subject on Amazon, I'd just like to throw in the fact that my boss's brother's wife looks like an Amazon. She's really tall and scary and intimidating. I hate when she calls to order for carry-out. I feel like she's going to come in and yell at me for something really minor when she picks up her pizzas.

    OH OH OH!

    I found something to be really excited about. The sequel to Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater, which is called Linger, comes out in July! I can't wait! I just finished Shiver again today but I'll probably read it again sometime in July since it's such a quickie. Plus it's a really good book. It's full of love, depressing moments, death, and other great things. ;) I loveeee it.