Sunday, December 11, 2011

marriage woes

Growing up, my mom drilled it into my head that I didn't need a man or marriage to make me happy. I'd be just fine if I chose not to get settled down. Until moving to Utah, I believed that would be the situation. I'd date around but never commit to anything serious. While I was dating Mitch, I was constantly being surrounded by happy marriages. Mitch's parents. Chelsi and Michael. Bill and April. Jared and Emily. Being around these happy couples made me realize that maybe marriage isn't all that bad. Maybe I could get married someday. Ever since, I've been on the prowl. Which is totally weird, cause I'm only 19 and not Mormon. I shouldn't be trying to find someone to settle down with this early. But a huge part of me is sick of all the sluttiness I've been associated with.

Someone find me a nice, cute Mormon boy who will love me and support me. I'll even convert so we can get married in the temple. <3