Friday, December 9, 2011

Anthony Green appreciation post

I'm surprised that I haven't been flipping shit all over this thang about Anthony Green's upcoming album and tour. The day tickets went on sale I was in Missouri and I seriously lost it. I was in such a panic that I tried ordering tickets several times before I realized it kept declining me because they weren't on sale for another 3 hours. I'll be seeing him on February 17th and I'm soooo excited. It's been too long. I haven't seen Circa since the week I moved to the SLC. I got pressured into going to Moab on the night that they were here last. :(
On his website, he's been doing an advent calendar of Beautiful Things-related goodies. He has also been taking requests lately for songs to cover. I peed a little when he covered Fleet Foxes's Someone You'd Admire.

You should definitely click through to the calendar and watch day 8's video of the song Blood Song. I love it and I'd include it here but the embedding code and Blogger refuse to cooperate.. so click through. I promise it's worth the extra couple of seconds. ;)
The video for Blood Song is on youtube:

Also, for some added luls:
The first time I met Anthony, 2007.
The last time I got to hang out with him, August 2010.