Tuesday, November 8, 2011

spring 2012 schedule

Guys... I'm signed up for 6 classes next semester, 3 for the Human Development and Family Studies major and 3 for the Anthropology minor. Yeah. That's what I'm at right now. Still unsure of what I'm going to do with my life!

ANTH 1010 - Culture and the Human Experience, TH 9:10-10:30, 3 credits
ANTH 1020 - Human Origins: Evolution and Diversity, TH 10:45-12:05, 3 credits
ANTH 1030 - World Prehistory: An Introduction, MWF 9:40-10:30, 3 credits
FCS 1500 - Human Development in Context Across the Lifespan, MWF 10:45-11:35, 3 credits
FCS 2400 - Family Relations Across the Life Course, TH 12:25-1:45, 3 credits
FCS 3210 - Statistics in Family and Consumer Studies, MW 11:50-1:45, 4 credits

Stats might be a bit much. If I drop anything once semester starts, that'll be the one to go.