Thursday, April 14, 2011

wildlife wednesday

I feel like people enjoy my blogs more when it has less ranting and more pictures.

Technically, it's already Thursday but I haven't slept yet so ITS STILL WEDNESDAY TO ME. 
Everyone knows what Wednesday means... Wildlife Wednesday! This concept was introduced to students at the U by my roommate Corinne and her sister Abby. It's really simple. Basically, you wear a shirt every Wednesday that has some form of wildlife on it and you cannot re-wear that shirt on another Wildlife Wednesday. It simply isn't done. For examples of shirts I've worn since January, you can click here, which will show you every post on Dailybooth tagged with #wildlifewednesday. Or you can look below:

If you want to join in on the Wildlife Wednesday festivities but don't own any wildlife t-shirts, do not fear! Just head on down to your local thrift store (probably a D.I. if you live in Utah). These places are literally crawling with animal t-shirts. It's where Corinne and Abby have gotten most of ours from.

In other news, Stuart and I are back together. Kind of. The only difference is that we're not facebook official (since there's only 3 weeks of school left and we're not staying together over the summer - it's just not worth it), we're not "boyfriend and girlfriend," and we're not going to spend every second together like we were before the break-up.

I received my first college F yesterday. It was on that stupid Christianity exam we took last Thursday in World Religions. I honestly didn't know any of the short answers. And since I didn't know a lot of the multiple choice questions either, I couldn't base my short answers off of already answered multiple choice questions! Ugh, it was horrible.

But then I went to the gas station Corinne and I have become regulars at to get a 44oz Mountain Dew before work and saw this beauty parked next to me. It's a Nissan Maxima but instead of Maxima it says Maxipad. Utahns are so clever with their license plates and other assorted rear end accessories. I love it!

One of my kids came to school today with a huge coloring book that told a story and I was completely blown away by how fantastic it was. Seriously. I couldn't stop fawning. So when Paul Kim wanted to go to Smith's to buy brownie supplies, I couldn't help but buy a coloring book for myself. I swear it's causing my stress to melt away. I'm having such a blast coloring Toy Story characters.

Toy Story 3 is now on Netflix instant watch, so maybe I'll watch it tomorrow while I color. Tip.

So anyway, we bought all of the supplies to make brownies, along with chips and dip, my coloring book and a huge bottle of lemonade. Bridget, Becca and Paul's friend Rudi from the drumline joined us. Paul found some super sketchy vegetable oil in one of the cabinets and used it in the brownies, so they tasted disgusting. The oil had little flakes floating in the bottom that looked like pepper. I didn't trust it. Apparently he and Stuart used it the first time we made spaghetti in the kitchen though.. so it must be okay, seeing as how I haven't gotten food poisoning or died or anything.

Then as I was taking things back down to my room, I encountered a pizza box on the stairs...

Becca and I inspected it and, instead of being a piping hot pizza left by an angel of a delivery boy, it was some old half-eaten pizza. I was thoroughly disappointed.

It's now 2:22 am. I probably won't get into bed until at least 3 am because I'm still pretty wide awake. But Corinne just conned me into turning the lights off and I'm starting to get sleepy. I discovered that the song "You Really Got A Hold On Me" defines our relationship perfectly. Bah!

She and Him - You Really Got A Hold On Me