Monday, April 18, 2011

penis cake, yummmm!

We decided to take Trax down to Chili's for dinner on Saturday.. bad idea. We arrived at the stadium at the same time as 30 ambulances and police cars were pulling up. Apparently some frat guy was standing too close to the edge of the platform and fell underneath the train. You can click here to read an article about it. In the video one of the captions is "STUDENT HIT MY TRAIN." I thought it was funny. The typo, not what happened. Buuut yeah, it was an awkward situation. We were on the same side of Trax as the frat and their dates (it was their formal) and this one girl was soooo hysterical. She kept screaming, "OH MY FUCKING GODDDDDD!" and crying and making a ruckus. I did not approve. Showing emotions in public is for children. 

Corinne and I went for a hike today after we woke up. As we were walking somewhere above Sunnyside Ave., we stumbled upon the This Is The Place Heritage Park. There's a little village set up that's supposed to be just like the one the first Mormon pioneers created when they moved to Utah. It's pretty cute but was totally empty since its Sunday and Mormons aren't allowed to leave their homes or something to that effect. (I'm just kidding, Corinne, I love you). Anyway, there was a lady putting warm milk in old fashioned Coke bottles to feed to the baby sheep and she let me and Corinne help her feed them. Then she told us we could pick up the baby pigs if we could catch them. I totally caught both of them. I'm such a beast. They squealed bloody murder though so we didn't hold them for very long. 

Paul and I made dinner again tonight. I fixed fettuccine alfredo and he made shake-n-baked chicken and french fries.

Then I made a cake. All by myself because everyone else was too busy playing their dumb Monopoly game to help me.

Doesn't it look delicious? That's because it was. Mmmmm. I guess I can give some credit to Paul and Scott, who drew the penis. But don't believe Paul's lies when he claims he baked the cake. That was all me. I only let him draw a penis on the cake because my penis came out really squiggly and deformed..

Isn't she cute?

Soooo yeah, that was the rest of my weekend. I guess I also signed up for classes for next semester.
  • FRNCH 2010 - Intermediate French I, MTWH 9:40am-10:30am
  • FINAN 3000 - Fundamentals of Investing, MW 10:45am-12:05pm
  • ECON 2010 - Principles of Microeconomics, TH 10:45am-12:05pm
  • FILM 1600 - Animation: Then and Now, TH 2:00pm-3:20pm
  • ESSF 1057 - Yoga Elementary, MW 7:00pm-8:00pm
  • ASTR 2060 - Popular Observational Astronomy, TH 7:15pm-9:00pm
18 credit hours, tioooppp.