Thursday, July 1, 2010


So I'm back in Missouri, yay! I can't believe I'm so excited to be back in this shit hole. On the drive back, I had to go through downtown St. Louis and I discovered that I really enjoy driving on roads with six lanes. It's just exhilarating to have so many people in one area all trying to get out of it. Oh and I saw someone get pulled over in the lane next to me, even though I was going 80 and the speed limit was 55. Bwahaha. 

ANYWAY, like I said before, Davis and I went and saw Eclipse last night. There were two previews that I really enjoyed. First is Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. I lol'd. It looks really good. Plus, any movie with Michael Cera is normally pretty good. 

Second was the trailer for the Deathly Hallows. Seriously, throughout the whole thing Davis and I had chills. I can't wait for November.