Why does everything have to be so friggen expensive? I've told you guys that I want to buy a new camera, iPod, iPhone, and Flip camera. The camera with a memory card is $200, iPod is around $250, iPhone is $300, and a Flip is $280. I'm not backing off of getting an iPhone 4; I'm getting that next month for sure. If I have that, I won't need a Flip cause it takes HD video and it's just as easy to carry around. Plus, I have my Vixia that's been neglected ever since I bought it. I have 3 iPods and even though one is corrupted like crazy, I can deal. I don't need another Classic. But I feel like I really should have a new camera. So that's $500 that I need to scratch together. With the paycheck I'm getting on Friday, I would have enough money to buy both items. There's a problem though.
On July 11th, my car insurance is due. It's $360-ish for the last six months plus whatever they're going to charge me for the last month that I've had my new car. On the first sheet that my grandma got from the insurance company, it states that I should only have to pay a little over thirty dollars for the last month. But on the paper she just got, it says $280. I think I have $250 in my checking account right now. How in the hell am I supposed to come up with almost $400 before the 11th? There's no way. I'm so frustrated. If I hadn't gone to Kentucky - or if gas wasn't so much - I would be able to pay all of that with no problem. I just didn't want to pass up an opportunity to meet one of my best online friends. Gah, #fml.
Oh, I also wanted a GPS before I move to Utah in a month so I don't get lost on the way there. Hah. That's another $300. Looks like I'll be reading paper instructions or hoping my iPhone can get me there in one piece.
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