I got pulled over for the first time ever last night! You'll never guess why.. ;) For stalking someone too quickly! Hahahaha. Apparently I wasn't yielding or stopping enough at signs so and it appeared that I was "following those people in a hurry." I didn't get a ticket though, which is cool. The cop just ran my driver's license then sent me on my way with a warning to be aware of driving laws. Haha.
Rose, Emily and I also started a band. It's called Crystal Panthers. We're on myspace so you know it's legit. Right now I'm installing 1.2 gigs of instruments and loops for GarageBand so we can start making some tunes. It's going to be an indie/techno/folk/cover band and really fuckin' awesome. Once I get a layout up and we have a photoshoot and record some tunes, I'll hook all you lovely people up with the link. :)
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