Saturday, May 22, 2010


Oh blog, I am so sorry I neglected you for two - almost three - days! I've just been so busy having a life that I haven't had time to sit at home on my computer and be incredibly lame!
Alright so recap of the last couple days!

Rose and I went to the high school to clean out my gym locker and recover a pair of shorts she let me borrow at the beginning of the year. I couldn't remember my combination (since I never dressed out) so we had to have the janitor break the lock open for us. Then we picked up Emilia and ate at El Nopal, watched Shrek 3 at Rose's house, and dropped Emily back off at her house to get ready for the night. We drove to the city to see Shrek 4 in 3-D (which was hilarious and so cute) then came back to Trenton and partied hard til about 6 am. All in all, pretty successful night.

Got about 3 hours of sleep, had lunch at Pizza Hut, went on a bike ride, made cookies and watched Baby Mama, then worked my ass off. I haven't showered since early this morning so I probably smell a bit stanky from the bike ride and work. Mmmmm. I'm currently waiting for my grandma to get her ass out of the shower so I can cleanse myself. In the meantime I think I'll write out some thank you cards (I'm still getting money in the mail from graduation 8D) and write a little note to Vickie. Apparently I'm not the brightest, cause the post office sent back my letter to her asking for more stamps haha.