I have been so proud of myself lately. I have resisted buying anything from Forever 21 cause I need to be saving my money for college/dorm supplies. Instead of adding shit I don't need to my checkout cart, I've added it all to my wishlist. Well, today I broke my streak of awesome and gave in. For Memorial Day, Forever 21 made it so that you get free shipping after $40 instead of $75. Here are the things I bought:
Yeah, that's right. I bought the Techno Tribal skirt I mentioned in an earlier post.
If you haven't seen this movie yet, go rent/buy it now. It's such a good film. I like the story a lot, along with the fact that it doesn't have a happy ending. Plus it's so beautiful. I want to have children with the people who put Up in the Air together. It made me so happy to watch it. :)
I got pulled over for the first time ever last night! You'll never guess why.. ;) For stalking someone too quickly! Hahahaha. Apparently I wasn't yielding or stopping enough at signs so and it appeared that I was "following those people in a hurry." I didn't get a ticket though, which is cool. The cop just ran my driver's license then sent me on my way with a warning to be aware of driving laws. Haha.
Rose, Emily and I also started a band. It's called Crystal Panthers. We're on myspace so you know it's legit. Right now I'm installing 1.2 gigs of instruments and loops for GarageBand so we can start making some tunes. It's going to be an indie/techno/folk/cover band and really fuckin' awesome. Once I get a layout up and we have a photoshoot and record some tunes, I'll hook all you lovely people up with the link. :)
I feel like such a loser sitting at home alone on a Friday night. *cry*
Jesus, what's wrong with my house tonight!? I was just in the bathroom washing my hands and a gigantic spider started crawling across the soap dish. So I killed it. Then I was sitting on my floor (because apparently the futon I bought is only for decoration) and a HUGE ant came at me. I killed it too, of course. We never have bugs in our house like this. Normally we get tiny ants in the kitchen at the beginning of summer, but not man-eating sized ones. Good god, I'm grossed out.
In other news, I got my first ever set of checks in the mail today. I feel like such an adult. Just kidding. I didn't want any checks but my grandma insisted on buying them for me. I also found a pair of Vans in the coat closet in the living room that I'd completely forgotten about. Wanna see the shoe collection I'm rockin' right now? 'Course you do.
What an assortment! Eight pairs of Vans, some Toms, Nikes, American Eagle, and a pair of stanky bowling shoes I stole from the bowling alley a while back. ;) Oh and my sexy silver ghetto heels. Mmmm, I love them.
I'm going to end this pretty little post with a song by She and Him that I absolutely adore. If they don't play this song in SLC in August I'll probably crawl into a ball and cry. :(
Yesterday Rose, Emily and I made fettuccine primavera and broccoli bites from recipes in some of my grandma's cookbooks. We spent a buttload of money at the grocery store picking up fresh vegetables and other needed supplies, but look at how colorful they made the kitchen look!
Here's a picture of the end results:
What was supposed to only take 30-45 minutes took us over an hour and a half to make. The fettuccine tasted mostly of onion and basil but the broccoli bites were SO good. We made a double batch of the primavera and single of the broccoli bites, leaving us with four massive butter containers full of leftovers in the end. Oh, we also watched The Invention of Lying and it was hilarious! Rose and I laughed so many times throughout the thing.
First off, I'd like to share with you guys a couple of my favorite songs by Air. Air is actually an acronym for Amour, Imagination, RĂªve which (in English) means Love, Imagination, Dream. Their name is one of the reasons I like this band. :)
Air - New Star in the Sky (Chanson Pour Solal)
Air - Sexy Boy
Air - La Femme d'Argent
Air - Le Voyage de Penelope
Secondly, I'd like to vent about something that's really been bothering me. I've decided that I'm going to stop putting effort into my job. I only have 2 months, 2 weeks, and 5 days left until my last day at Royal Inn. I've worked my ass off the last two years I've worked there and I feel like now that it's summer, I want to relax and do only what I have to. No longer will I put an effort into waiting on customers, getting refills, or picking dishes up off tables. Nor will I make any effort to be friendly to my fellow employees. I don't go to work to make friends. I go because slaving away for 5-6 hours a night makes me not so poor.
So about that thing that's been bothering me. One of the girls I work with strongly dislikes me and my feelings towards her are completely mutual. But for some reason lately she's been trying to act friendly towards me at work and act like she didn't almost get me fired a month ago. She comes up to me and tries to joke around with me and get me to talk shit on other people with her. Maybe it's just me, but when I don't like someone this is not how I act. You know when I don't like you; I don't hide my feelings. So the fact that she's being fake and in my bidnez KILLS me. It's so annoying. I want to tell her to leave me the fuck alone because she's ruining my nights by getting her face close to mine.
Long story short, I hate my job and can't wait to get the fuck up out of there.
It really sucks being broke. I get aches all over my body when I start looking at things on the internet now, especially Forever 21. Seriously, my heart aches when I see cute things I don't need but would love to have and show off. For example, this cardigan:
I'm sure it would look really strange on me since I'm not that ideal super skinny girl with no curves/figure. But I would love to buy it and try it! Anyway, I'm saving my money up so I can buy the supplies I need for college (bedstuff, printer, fridge and microwave (maybe), toilet paper) and buy a couple other things that I think qualify as needs..
A new iPod Classic and a Flip SlideHD.
My iPod went crazy a few months ago and became 'corrupted.' It still plays music, but only certain songs. The other day I tried to turn on Head Automatica in my car and it froze and stayed that way until it died. It will only plug in to my desktop computer but then it makes the computer spazz out.. so I'm trying to convince my grandma that $249 isn't that much and that if she buys the iPod for me I'll buy my own Flip. I say it's a pretty good deal and she should take it since I'm offering the less expensive of the two. (The Flip Slide is $279). She argues that I have "two other iPods, an iPhone, and a computer.. do I really need another thing from Apple?" The answer? Of course I do. I don't put music on my phone cause I have apps that play music for me. My Touch is only used for other people's music and I refuse to foul it up with my own music. The Nano I have sucks, so I gave it to Jonathan. And my laptop is able to travel with me, but I want something smaller and more music friendly. I would rather store 160gb of music on an iPod than on my Mac. I dono, makes sense to me.
It will be Wednesday in an hour and, looking at my to-do list below, I've barely accomplished anything. I don't see myself finishing that list til the end of the week. I officially suck.
What have I done the past couple of days besides what's crossed out on my list, you wonder? Welllllll! I...
Watched Zombieland (sucked), The Men Who Stare at Goats (not bad), and Valentine's Day (pretty good, made me cry).
Bought car chargers for my mom and I, Pokemon Snap for the N64, and this book called Stuff White People Like: A Definitive Guide to the Unique Taste of Millions by Christian Lander. I can't wait to get all of this stuff in the mail. It will make my day (or days if it all comes on different ones, which I'm sure will happen).
Made a list of things I probably need to take to college with me.
Bought eggplant colored towels for college.
Went to work (Tuesday night).
Nearly died from the heat.
;) Are you impressed? If I knew how to let you (whoever you may be) access the comments, I'm sure you would say "Hell yes I am!" ...right?
This is more for me than for you. I made a list of things I need to accomplish today and tomorrow. I'm thinking that if I put them up on here I'll actually do them so I can look ~productive~ to you guys. ;)
Mail transcript request form to North Central Missouri College.
Fill out all the income tax/W-2 crap for the U and mail it.
Mail Vickie's letter (again).
Call the lady who gave me an anonymous scholarship so I can get my money.
See Bobby and Earl about my new car. It was sitting out front the shop yesterday with a new back end, woo! But it was still missing a keyhole for the trunk and may not be completely fixed on the inside.
Do laundry. My dirty clothes basket is full and stanky.
Mail thank-you notes to all the people who sent me graduation money/gifts.
Get my diploma from the high school! :)
Sweep/mop the back room, kitchen, and bathroom floors so my mom will buy that car for me.
By the way, here's a picture of my car with its ass end all busted up.
This was one of the previews before Shrek 4 last night. It's called Megamind and stars Will Ferrell, Tina Fey, Jonah Hill, and Brad Pitt. I'm so immature (aka awesome) that this movie looks like it'll be pretty cute/good. ESPECIALLY in 3-D. The preview was super cool with all the 3-D effects going on. I'll be in Salt Lake City at this time so hopefully one of my roommates will want to hit the theatre up with me so I won't have to - *gasp* - go alone. D:
Oh blog, I am so sorry I neglected you for two - almost three - days! I've just been so busy having a life that I haven't had time to sit at home on my computer and be incredibly lame!
Alright so recap of the last couple days!
Rose and I went to the high school to clean out my gym locker and recover a pair of shorts she let me borrow at the beginning of the year. I couldn't remember my combination (since I never dressed out) so we had to have the janitor break the lock open for us. Then we picked up Emilia and ate at El Nopal, watched Shrek 3 at Rose's house, and dropped Emily back off at her house to get ready for the night. We drove to the city to see Shrek 4 in 3-D (which was hilarious and so cute) then came back to Trenton and partied hard til about 6 am. All in all, pretty successful night.
Got about 3 hours of sleep, had lunch at Pizza Hut, went on a bike ride, made cookies and watched Baby Mama, then worked my ass off. I haven't showered since early this morning so I probably smell a bit stanky from the bike ride and work. Mmmmm. I'm currently waiting for my grandma to get her ass out of the shower so I can cleanse myself. In the meantime I think I'll write out some thank you cards (I'm still getting money in the mail from graduation 8D) and write a little note to Vickie. Apparently I'm not the brightest, cause the post office sent back my letter to her asking for more stamps haha.
This video of Shane Dawson spoofing Justin Bieber's 'Baby' amuses me to no end. The first time I heard Bieber I was in some mall's food court in Salt Lake City (or was it Sandy?) eating Panda Express and it made my ears want to bleed.
While browsing through Forever 21's blog I discovered LULU*. She's an illustrator from Germany and I just dig a lot of the work that's on her website. Pretty sweeet!
I've just noticed that Forever 21 Twist has changed from being Dolled Up to Techno Tribal. I find the selection of clothes.. interesting. I mean, I think this is cute and I can understand why someone would buy it:
But this?
What the hell, F21? Harem pants don't strike me as attractive at all, especially when they're that vibrant.
Today's been really uneventful. I went to the high school to work on the yearbook and eat pizza; put tons of money in my checking and get my online banking set up; and put gas in my car. I put in $25 but I only had $22 in cash so I had to pay the other three dollars in quarters and nickels. I don't think the cashier was very happy with me.
Now I'm watching That 70's Show and I'm dying laughing. (Now I'm a zombie).
Eric: They called me Dr. Peepee. I couldn't sleep on the top bunk and I was ten. So you know, who cares.. I'm Dr. Peepee.
I don't know how to blog so I'm just gonna wing it!
First of all, I found a new mole on my arm. It might be a freckle cause its really light in color. Or it could just be a light colored mole. I'll never know, I don't plan on becoming a mole doctor.
Secondly, I just got on to Forever21 and found that one of the dresses I had planned on ordering is out of my size. All they have is large. This is it:
After I take a shower, put my face on, and go to the bank I'm going to buy these two dresses and maybe a couple pairs of gladiator sandals: