Friday, May 27, 2011


This morning was very emotional for me.

NCMC's woman in charge of all of the proctors emailed me back saying that no one was available to watch me take my midterms or finals... meaning I'd have no way to take those exams unless I wanted to fly back to Salt Lake multiple times during the summer. I mean, I'd love to do that but I definitely cannot afford it. So I dropped all of my classes. It seems kind of dramatic but I was already getting swamped with the work and how often I've been working, so I suppose it's for the best. But at the time I was really upset cause I'd already spent hundreds of dollars on the textbooks and I'd gotten a grant to cover everything and it was already disbursed. So I was crying on the phone to grandma as I explained the situation to her.. and then I proceeded to lie on my floor and sob. While babysitting my 2 year old brother. It was awkward. I'm glad he can't talk to tell everyone exactly how pathetic I was acting.

I sorted through all of my clothes and came up with tons of things to donate. I was so reluctant to throw anything out though. I refused to give my nicer, more expensive things to the thrift store so I made Rose take them off of my hands. I'm such a mean, selfish bastard. I also decided to donate a lot of things I have from an ex. It was a pretty big step.

Apparently needed edit: It was a big step to donate ANYTHING, not to donate things of yours. I don't donate my things. I don't like getting rid of things I've purchased or that I still wear. I ended up taking 5 bags and two boxes of my clothes to donate. That's not something I do so yes, it was a big step. Why are you even reading my blog? 

Then I worked for 7 hours and hated my life just a little more. My job is relatively easy since we're dead the majority of the time I'm there. But there are some nights that straight up suck. Tonight was one of those nights. First, I was working in the back. I worked in the front for two years and in the back for maybe 3 nights.. so I don't exactly have everything memorized. My boss was also in the back for a few hours which made me nervous and clumsy. So everything is going fine, I'm kind of bored because all I'm doing is making pizzas for the bar and waiting for them to cook. Then we get a rush of orders for like, hundreds of large pizzas. We run out of dough, the dough machine refuses to work for me, I keep spilling sauce off of the pizzas and onto myself, the counter and the floor... I'm a complete mess. Plus, I'm delivering so as we're trying to get all of these pizzas made and in the oven, I'm running all over town and back and ugh. It was a nightmare. Then everyone left and people stopped calling and we were dead again... Blah. I hate Royal Inn.. and Missouri.

It seems the only happy thing I have to think of right now is my trip to New York with Katie. It's not until March during spring break but it's gonna be so much fun. Holy crap, I'm so excited. We're going to have breakfast at Tiffany's and break into a Broadway theatre and sing on a real Broadway stage! But not really, because neither of us can sing. We are planning to see a show on Broadway though, which will be a thrill! Katie's already thinking of all kinds of fun things for us to do while we're there. :)

I have to work in a few hours so I'll put this to an end, but you should definitely check out this website. My beautiful cat Smudge started a Dailybooth. Corinne gave me the idea months ago after reading this textsfromlastnight:

Oh, speaking of cats. On 3 different deliveries tonight I told women how freakin' cute their cats were. One gave me a look that clearly told me to get off her property, while the other two went into detail about the types of cats they had and let me pet them. It was awesome. I love cats.


Katie said...

saaam. you can do it if i can do it! how can i help you?

Katie said...


Vickie said...

Did you thank your parents when, day after day, they tidied up after you when you were a child? The reason they probably resent you throwing away clothes is because they probably contributed to the cost of them.