On Thursday, the summer program went to the Red Butte Gardens for our last field trip. It was such a blast. The kids had a great time playing around the flowers and only complained a small amount when we went hiking behind the Gardens. ;) Actually, they complained a lot and Norbu was on the verge of tears because he thought he would fall off the mountain, but it was still fun. First, I'll show you some pictures of the kids I took and then I'll "wow" you with my flower taking skillz.
Norbu and I! He's my favorite.
Dustin really enjoys standing over fountains...
Instead of standing over the water, Israel would rather shoot it up his shirt? Weird little shits.
Laura and I inside of a leafy tunnel.. so cool!
Josely behind the flowery birthday cake!
Deandre. He wasn't feeling the best so he decided to take a nap next to the giant lizard statues for a while.
My favorite picture of the day, featuring Antonio.
Norbu dubbed himself "The Lizard King."
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