Monday, May 16, 2011

monday funday

 I had lunch avec ma mère et mon frère au El Nopal.

 We bought lilies at Lowe's.

Then Rose and I watched Rio.

That's basically all I did today. Instead of using my time off of work wisely and studying, I watched Don Juan DeMarco this morning before lunch. Then I made my mom take me to Chillicothe to look for Wildlife Wednesday shirts at the thrift stores. We didn't have any luck, which I find surprising since it's Missouri and people love to kill animals and wear shirts involving the animals they kill...

Later, Rosie and I caught the 7:00 showing of Rio. We got there reeeallllly early so I played arcade games until I ran out of quarters, and then we sat in the theatre for like 40+ minutes watching SceneIt ads without any sound. The movie was so freaking cute and funny, I loved it. We were in a tiny theatre and also the only people in it, so we were able to talk as loudly and be obnoxious as we wanted. Perfect.

Now I'm back to reading for my summer classes. I swear, these classes are going to be the death of me. Semester just started today and I already feel overwhelmed. I'm just hoping I can keep up with all of the reading and homework once I start working again. D;

I just checked my grades for the spring semester... :(
My GPA dropped from a 3.636 to a 3.162. I got three B's and only one A. I'm actually really disappointed in myself. If I don't get straight A's during the summer, I'm going to be so angry. Ugh.