Werner seems to think that I need to make an update about my goings-on as of late instead of studying for my film midterm that's coming up on Monday. Priorities: he knows them.
This has probably been the most uneventful Fall Break in the history of Fall Breaks. I've sat in my room watching movies and my newly acquired cable television, reading books by Vladimir Nabokov, and putting off learning how to actually be successful in my math class. Corinne's been MIC (Missing in Colorado) since the weekend, Werner left me for three days, and now Craig is galavanting in Canada looking for boats.. Being alone does not suit me.
I finally got rid of Werner long enough to come down to Starbucks, order a venti Pumpkin Spice Chai Latte Frappuccino, and fill out my example midterm quiz. It's been a really difficult process. Thank God I have Google. I don't really want to spend the rest of my break re-reading the first six chapters of my film book... but it may be needed. :( I can't remember anything. I should stop sitting by Pat so I can actually pay attention to my professor when he's talking. sigh.
Something really bothered me yesterday when I was at work. All of the kids were together in the gym having free time when Norbu socked Casey in the eye over a bouncy ball that he wanted. I was walking Casey to the office to get an ice pack when his mom walked in to the building. She comes over and asks why he's crying and I explained, "He got hit in the face by another student, we're on our way to get an ice pack." She then gets down in his face and starts yelling, "Stop crying! You have no reason to be crying! Stop it! Breathe!" Casey just starts crying harder and can barely breathe correctly at this point and the whole time I'm just standing there like "O_O what the fuck." Joey Richter will demonstrate:
So then I walk them to the office to talk to my coordinator and Casey starts to finally cool down, but as we're walking back he says "You don't even care about me :(" in this super sad voice. And you know how his mom replies? "You're right, I don't care about you. Suck it up and keep walking." I feel terrible for this kid. It was his last day at Riley too, so I'll never get to see him again and see if he's alright. I feel like people should really take a test before they decide to become parents. If they fail, well, fuck them, they can go adopt a goldfish.
Speaking of goldfish.. As soon as I have $175, I want to get a hedgehog as a pet since I'm not allowed to have a cat or dog in the dorms. Technically, hedgehogs probably aren't allowed either, but they're basically a goldfish, right? They live in the same type of environment... a fish tank... I think it'll be fine. :)
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