So apparently here in Salt Lake City there are signs for "road humps." Not road bumps. Humps. As we were discussing this last night at Hunan Garden (a chinese place we had to go to to satisfying my dire need for chinese), we also talked about how someone Rosie knows refers to Wednesday as Hump Day because it's the middle of the week and once you get past it, it's smooth sailing. Just like a road hump. I was completely blown away because I always thought that Hump Day was a day for humping people.. My time spent in Missouri has altered all sense of normalcy. Anyway, just thought I'd throw that little story out there for people who'd like to laugh at my stupidity. ;)
In other news, I finally got around to hanging Balder up and it looks awesome. Don't you agree!?
This week has been pretty uneventful so far. I had French, Math, and Film on Monday; Cycling and French on Tuesday; and French and Math today. I've really only gone to my classes and to get food.. I'm so boring. Oh, I also ran to Smith's today to buy some hangers and more pretzel m&m's.. Not very exciting, haha. The first football game is tomorrow but apparently Corinne gave away her extra tickets to her friends from Institute, so I'm not going anymore. Looks like I'll sit in my room and finish reading the Time Traveler's Wife. :( Hopefully Friday and Saturday will be more eventful. I think there's a school girl-themed Greek party on Saturday, which I'm excited for. I'll be so disappointed if it's half as bad as the Greek party we went to last weekend.
Vickie said this post was really short so I thought of a couple of others things I did today. I bought my plane tickets home for Thanksgiving! :) I'll be leaving SLC on November 24th after I get out of class and returning on the morning of the 27th. Not sure if I'm excited or not. I haven't felt homesick at all but my mom misses me so much, it kind of makes me sad. She's constantly sending me pictures of Nick and Smudge and telling me how they miss me, haha. It's cute but sad. I also got a package in the mail from my mommy containing Chocolat, Sweeney Todd, and Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. AND gift cards for Subway and Starbucks.
I bought a caramel macchiato after I shopped at Smith's earlier and it was so satisfying. I never go to Subway but I'll try it out sometime when I'm downtown. I should be getting another package tomorrow or Friday with a couple more movies in it. I was getting bored of the small collection I brought and asked her to send me more movies that I like. :) I love my mommy.
1. I was walking back from Smith's and these three kids were walking near me - two guys and a girl. A weird noise was coming from the soccer field direction and the girl goes "What was that?" and one of the guys replies, "That was me. I farted." Everyone laughed, including me who was creeping very close behind the group. Then the guy is like, "Man, I can't believe that some people are actually offended by the word fart," and the girl says, "I definitely am." So after that he kept saying 'fart' and 'flatulence' and I was silently in hysterics as I walked around them. Then the girl goes, "God, would you STOP! Those words are so... crude!" I was for seriously dying.
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