We went camping last night! Or as Rose would say, we set up our tamp and went kinting! ;) It was so sicky gnar, let me tell you! Emily, Rose, Derek, Jessie, and Zack were present and we had suuuuch a blast making potatoes, caramelized apples, and eating P-Hut pizza. We also had some very yummy drinks and introduced ourselves as the Crystal Panthers to our very kind neighbors, who were nice enough to help us make a fire.
Here are some extremely funny quotes from last night:
"I'm so like bed right now." - Emily
Here are some extremely funny quotes from last night:
"I'm so like bed right now." - Emily
"Derek! Derek!" - Rose
"Shh man, we have neighbors!" - Me
"I bet the neighbors know your name." - Rose
"I could do this in just about a snap." - Zach
"And a couple of cracks and about fifty pops." - Jessie
"So let's say you, Sam, Jessie, Zack, and I are all toes." - Rose
"I'd say you're on some crazy shit, who's your dealer?" - Jessie
Today, Rose and I set off around 8:30 for Chillicothe to buy her a cell phone. What time is it now, 3:12 pm? I just got home and all we did was buy that phone. We had to return to Trenton twice to get her social security card and more money, and we traveled all over Chillicothe looking for food and comparing the deals at AT&T and Verizon. She settled on a blue Samsung Reality from Verizon. It's pretty nice, although I was partial to the Motorola Backflip at AT&T. I think she settled for Verizon only because it was cheaper. She has absolutely no credit, so she'd have to pay $500 to AT&T to get a phone, while Verizon would only charge her $400. Plus, she'll build like twenty bucks in interest at Verizon, so! She is now going to become a text messaging machine and I am very excited. <:D (excited face)
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