Wednesday, March 28, 2012

the sims 3 pets

After Molly got back from Hawaii we went grocery shopping. We hadn't gone in over 6 weeks and I was down to a package of spaghetti and a bag of frozen corn. We stopped by Target so she could buy lotion for her new tattoo (which is dope, btw) and I could pick up a new Sims 3 EP. I was going to borrow Nick's sister's copy, but I couldn't find any hacks to make it where my mac would believe the disc was still in so I could return it to her. Sooo I bought it. And I love it.
Meet Carl. He's Rosalia's best friend and my favorite.
 Here we have Aurora holding Melinda, Carl's mate.
 This is Carl and Melinda snuggling. It's seriously the cutest shit ever. 
This is Carl watching TV. If he's not sleeping or getting "whacked out" on catnip, this is where I find him.

These screenshots are from the first day I had the expansion. Now Melinda is grown up and she and Carl have a kitten named Fern. The Kim family also has a black pony named Jay-Z. ;) I'll try to take some screenshots the next time I play so y'all can see how awesome the Kim family has become. I know how much you guys enjoy these updates. <3


A lot of changes have been taking place in my life.

First of all, I hate the way drinking makes me feel. I've been feeling this way since the beginning of February. I started realizing this on the weekends I spent in Ogden. Every time I traveled up there to party, I was overcome by an extremely shitty feeling. I guess that could be related to the fact that no one from Ogden likes me anymore, but that's a different story. Every time I drink I just get bummed out. I no longer feel the urge to party. We threw a giant ass rager at our house again on Saturday and I was completely sober. I suppose it's a good thing since the cops came. If I hadn't been, I probably would have flipped some serious shit.

Second, it feels like the only people I see or talk to are the ones I live with and my boyfriend. No one else seems to remember/care that I exist. (Starbucks employees do not count).

Lastly, I am completely fed up with going to school and not knowing what I'm doing. It bums me out so much. I hate all of my classes; none of them interest me in the slightest. I haven't been able to find any courses that spark interest or career paths that sound like something I could do. I'm a junior in college with no future. Plus I'm a good $60,000 in debt, so that's awesome. I'm considering taking the fall semester off to work and save up some money to start paying off my loans. My parents are extremely against this plan but seeing as how I live on my own and support myself, I don't think they have a say anymore.

If reading that made you as unhappy as I am, here's a picture of Molly sporting easter socks to cheer you up:

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

holly's visit

Block U:
Park City:
 Antelope Island:

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

things to look forward to in 2012

I'm really excited about 2012.

These first three months have been awesome so far. I moved into a dope house and befriended a girl I want to be around for the rest of my life. I saw Aziz Ansari do stand-up at Wiseguys. Holly flew out from Missouri, we saw Anthony Green, and I did more adventuring in 5 days than I thought possible. Here are some more things to get fucking pumped about:

     * March 11 - my 20th birthday! aw yeah
     * March 17 - Chelsi's Emerald City party
     * March 23 - Typhoon at Kilby Court
     * March 24 - my huge rager birthday party AND Holi Festival of Colors!
     * March 25 - MAD MEN STARTS UP AGAIN
     * April 29 - M83 at In The Venue
     * May 28 - The Shins at Red Butte Gardens
     * May 29 - Bon Iver at Red Butte
     * June 28 - The Avett Brothers & City and Colour at Gallivan Center