oh hey guys, did you miss me?
I haven't really been in the blogging mood. Or in any kind of mood that involves a computer. I've been bored with the internet lately. I deactivated my facebook, took a break from tumblr, and tried not to sit on my computer or phone when I was bored. I've been spending a lot of time watching Netflix documentaries and playing old school video games with my roommate Molly. We've also been getting into Mad Men. So when we're feeling especially homework'd or partied out, we'll plop down in front of the TV and watch Mad Men for 6 hours. hah. Not much better than sitting on the internet but whatever. We're bonding.
I really like living in Diagon Alley. I have four roommates: Alee and Molly upstairs and Jacey and Krysta downstairs with me. Jacey and Krysta are literally never home and the basement is like a dungeon, so I spend most of my time upstairs with Molly. Here, peep the basement:
and then compare it to the main floor:
Molly and I have thrown two parties since I've moved in. The first was really small and chill. We sat around drinking tall boys and playing card games and Twister. This was all we had to clean up when people left:
The second party was the absolute opposite. There were over 100 people here and we probably only knew about 15% of them. Molly and I started drinking at 6pm so by the time people finally started showing up at 10, we were already gone. I have no idea when our house filled to the brim. One second I was letting Craig and Diego and all of their friends in and the next, it was like walking through the front rows of a Twilight concert. It was ridiculous. Early on I took this picture, so imagine this times 12:

I was reallly drunk and a little high so the amount of people in the house tripped me out. I started getting paranoid that we were going to get busted since we live right on 1300 E.... which turned me into an agro bitch. I tried to make people quiet down at first but that was an epic fail. We unplugged the music, turned the lights off, and even had a megaphone but nothing worked. People started chanting "MUSIC! MUSIC! MUSIC!" and kept trying to plug their own music in... Haha. That's when shit got crazy. I started full on screaming at people to shut the fuck up and get the fuck out. We got a group of people together to guard both doors and kick people out who didn't know the owners of the house. I got so violent. I've never hit a person in my life but apparently I was elbowing and shoving people who wouldn't get out of my way and at one point, I punched a girl in the face because she argued with me about coming in. Eventually I gave up and accepted that our party was a success and that I needed to chill the fuck out.
The next morning was probably the worst hangover I've ever had. Molly dragged me to the Village Inn, which was not a good idea at all. I think I spent more time throwing up in the bathroom than with Molly at the table. Then I came home, continued to puke, and wished that I would die already. But Molly wouldn't let me. I had already picked up all of the beer cans and other various shit that people left behind, but we had even more work to do. We had to collect the couch cushions from the front yard, collect our mailbox from the neighbor's yard, and sweep up a beer bottle that someone had so graciously smashed on our front porch. THEN we had to sweep and mop the entire upstairs because the floor was covered in beer.
The best part of clean-up was discovering beers on ledges.
The worst was discovering that the giraffe had been brutally murdered.
Haha. We're throwing another rager in a month or so for my birthday. We've already agreed that we're all gonna be calm (especially me) and let what happens happen. I'm stoked.