My resolution this year is not to drink any alcohol. Ideally, I think it would be nice to wait until I turn 21 to drink. But we'll see. My friends are borderline alcoholics so it could prove to be difficult. I also want to cut out soda, as I do every year, as soon as I finish all the soda that's left from the party. I have 4-5 more cans of diet grapefruit soda I need to push through. :( They're so disgusting, but no one else in my house wants them and I don't want to pour them out since I paid for them and I'm extremely broke at the moment.
I started school this week. I changed my schedule (again) so I have 3 classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays and an online class. I'm down from 19 credits to 12 but I have a feeling the classes I'm taking are going to stress me out hard.
+ 9:10-10:30 Intro to Ethical Dilemmas
+ 10:45-12:05 Human Origins: Evolution and Diversity+ 12:25-1:45 Family Studies
+ online Evolution of Human Nature (again)
Paul and I are taking Evolution and Intro to Ethical Bullshit together. He loves our ethics class but I think it's a load of crap. There's this girl named Tschaun who has a question or a comment for every single thing our professor goes over. On the first day of class we were learning about how in an argument there should be premises and a conclusion. If the conclusion makes sense, you have to check that the premises are absolutely true. If you don't know what I'm talking about, here's an example:
+ All humans are mortals.
+ Socrates was a human.
+ Therefore, Socrates was a mortal.
It's so easy. I learned this kind of stuff when I was a freshman in high school. Yet this girl could not find a way to agree with our professor. The example he was going over in class had premises that could be challenged. But whenever someone made an argument against a premise, she had to "clarify" whatever the person just said. It's hard to explain. You'd have to be there. But BASICALLY, she's a pain in my ass and I hate the class.
I really really like my Human Origins class. The professor goes over really interesting material and doesn't drone on like some of my other professors. I'm interested in everything he has to say. I'm not sure how I feel about my Family Studies class. I didn't want to take it because I don't really care to learn about families, but if I want to major in Human Development (I'm still unsure), it's a required class. I'm retaking Evolution because I'm an idiot and never went to class last semester so I got a C. Plus Paul wanted to take it and I can't say no to him.
+ All humans are mortals.
+ Socrates was a human.
+ Therefore, Socrates was a mortal.
It's so easy. I learned this kind of stuff when I was a freshman in high school. Yet this girl could not find a way to agree with our professor. The example he was going over in class had premises that could be challenged. But whenever someone made an argument against a premise, she had to "clarify" whatever the person just said. It's hard to explain. You'd have to be there. But BASICALLY, she's a pain in my ass and I hate the class.
I really really like my Human Origins class. The professor goes over really interesting material and doesn't drone on like some of my other professors. I'm interested in everything he has to say. I'm not sure how I feel about my Family Studies class. I didn't want to take it because I don't really care to learn about families, but if I want to major in Human Development (I'm still unsure), it's a required class. I'm retaking Evolution because I'm an idiot and never went to class last semester so I got a C. Plus Paul wanted to take it and I can't say no to him.