Or maybe more excited. I just look like I'm grinning unbearably.
Anyway, hi.
I'm kind of suffering from a caffeine high, which has resulted in me taking many pictures of myself, FaceTime-ing multiple people, Skyping multiple people, and blowing up everyones' news feeds on Facebook. (bwahahaha) This is my new Facebook profile picture:
I'm kind of scary, it's okay you can agree.
I'm in a much better mood than I was in my last post. I've realized that I need to stop being such a troll and be lucky that I get to go home and see my family because the chances of them being able to come here during the summer was very slim thanks to that asshole Aaron (my youngest brother's dad) who has legal control over whether my brother can leave the state or not. Fathers suck. I sure am glad I never had to deal with custody agreements like Nick is being forced into. Anyway, I'm going to suck it up, hang out with whoever I can, and hopefully rake in some dough so I can come back to Salt Lake and blow it all on things Trenton does not have (Forever 21, Urban, SUSHI, etc). Oh and go to Warped Tour like every summer. It's just as much of a shitfest this year as it has been for the last 3-4 years, but I can never pass up a good time like that. I just love gettin' me some skin cancer. Examples: (Click to make bigger and see the full effect of the sun on my deathly white skin).

Not even halfway through Warped 2010.
Only a few hours into Warped 2010.
A few hours into Warped 2009.
Super crispy.
On a note completely unrelated to Missouri, I have two exams on Thursday. One is over Judaism - I also have a response essay on that ess due tomorrow that I have yet to start (it's only 7, I have time) - and the other is in French. I just got my ass kicked by three French exams (chapter 7, oral and composition) and now I have to experience that ass-kicking again. Then we have ANOTHER composition on Monday. I think my French teacher hates my class. He is dishing tests like the world is about to end. I do not appreciate.