I figured I'd make a separate post about what else happened this weekend. Like I mentioned in an earlier post, a friend of mine had a booth set up for his art stuffs on Thursday. I also went down to hang out with him on Friday after my math class (which I did attend, but sat and read my film book the entire time). Turns out that his friend Riley's girlfriend Jenny (who I met Thursday at the booth) is the girl I sat next to in math on Wednesday and Friday. I didn't realize this, though, until 5 minutes before class was about to end Friday when she turned to me and whispered "Saaaaaam." I did a careful turn in her direction to which she replied, "I thought that was you! I'd been trying to find out all hour cause it looked like your hair, but then I saw you were reading a film book and I knew it!" Haha. So now I have a friend in math! Yay!
I ended up buying the painting called "Baldar." It's pretty sweet. And because I'm like, the coolest person in the SLC, I got a $60 discount. It was only $50 at first but when he and Bobby delivered it to my dorm Saturday morning, he realized that he'd gotten green paint on the body. D: GASP. Not a big deal, but he decided to cut me a break and take off ten bucks.
My room/suitemates and I went to the Natural History museum after that. It wasn't what I had expected. They advertise having a huge dinosaur collection and all kinds of cool stuff, but it was kind of lame and boring. The most exciting part was probably when we squeezed all four of us into an old school photo booth. The pictures turned out really awfully, but it was only a dollar so no harm. :) Then we rode Trax down to Noodles for lunch, bought some groceries at Smith's, then headed back to the dorms. We had a good amount of hours to kill before our evening festivities kicked off, so I did a couple loads of laundry and read 40-something pages for my film class. THEN...
We went to a Greek frat party! Yeah! But in all actuality, it kind of sucked. When we got there, almost all of the Jungle Joose was gone so we were faced with the option of drinking beer. I passed, stuck to my half cup of Joose, and called it good. Mostly we stood outside and talked to random people and made "friends" (quotations because they were drunk and probably don't remember meeting us) cause the house was packed full of people. It wasn't a bad party, but it kind of sucked to be there and not drinking, haha. But I will not cave and drink beer, yuck.
So that - paired with my previous post - was my weekend. Feel free, dear readers, to leave a comment telling me about yours. I love a good story. :)