Monday, November 28, 2011


I promised Kira I would blog during my layover in Minneapolis on Monday… But my flight out of SLC was an hour late and I had to sprint around MSP to catch my next plane. So no layover blogging timez. I also pulled an all-nighter so I was unconscious during both of my flights.. so no mid-flight blogging either.
Two Thursdays ago, Amanda and I went to sushi and then to the Breaking Dawn pt 1 premiere. It was really fucking terrible.... I was in panic mode the entire time Edward and Bella were having sex and then Bella was thinking about them having sex the day after. I had my knees to my chest, eyes wide with horror... I was legit freaking out. I have never been so disturbed by a sex scene.

During the opening credits there was a preview for the new Snow White and the Huntsman. It actually looks like it'll be a good movie. That is, until you get 57 seconds into the preview....
Kristen Stewart.....Kristen Stewart!? SERIOUSLY? They pick her as the fairest of them all!? Why god, why!? Ugggggghhhh. Why does she ruin everything I love!?

The next day I ended up taking Le Bus to Wendover, NV, for Michael's birthday party. On Saturday I went to Chili's and a hockey game with Kira, Beckie and Marques. There was a small party at Mark and Colby's on Sunday where we watched the Labyrinth and on Monday I flew back to Missouri.
Up next... My wonderfully exciting times in Missoura!