Friday, May 28, 2010


I feel like such a loser sitting at home alone on a Friday night. *cry*

Jesus, what's wrong with my house tonight!? I was just in the bathroom washing my hands and a gigantic spider started crawling across the soap dish. So I killed it. Then I was sitting on my floor (because apparently the futon I bought is only for decoration) and a HUGE ant came at me. I killed it too, of course. We never have bugs in our house like this. Normally we get tiny ants in the kitchen at the beginning of summer, but not man-eating sized ones. Good god, I'm grossed out.

In other news, I got my first ever set of checks in the mail today. I feel like such an adult. Just kidding. I didn't want any checks but my grandma insisted on buying them for me. I also found a pair of Vans in the coat closet in the living room that I'd completely forgotten about. Wanna see the shoe collection I'm rockin' right now? 'Course you do.

What an assortment! Eight pairs of Vans, some Toms, Nikes, American Eagle, and a pair of stanky bowling shoes I stole from the bowling alley a while back. ;) Oh and my sexy silver ghetto heels. Mmmm, I love them.

I'm going to end this pretty little post with a song by She and Him that I absolutely adore. If they don't play this song in SLC in August I'll probably crawl into a ball and cry. :(

She and Him - Brand New Shoes