Sunday, August 21, 2011

ogden fun timez

Has it really been 3 weeks since I last blogged? Good lord. My apologies to anyone who cares about the goings on in my life. #lol #likeanyonecares

Paul was getting pretty sick of me by the end of July, so I moved out of his living room and into Chelsi's basement. She and Michael have this ridiculously awesome house with like 20 bedrooms and 100 baths and they're the only ones living there, so they let me have an entire bedroom and bathroom to myself. On the 18th, I moved into my very own dorm room in Benchmark 821. But before we get to that, let me show you some things that went on in Ogden during my stay. 

 To celebrate meeting our goal at the Hunger Strike, Nurture the Creative Mind had a get-together at the Vintage Cupcake Co., where Amir thanked the community and gave a guitar to one of his students from the previous year. Chelsi and I couldn't stop taking pictures around the store. It was seriously so cute. If you're ever in Ogden and get a hankerin' for a cupcake, I recommend stopping by this little shop. 
 We watched the Archery World Cup one day with Noah (Chelsi's younger brother), April and Bill. Pretty intense stuff. Ukraine beat India and then USA whooped China's asses.
 Chel and I bought giant sunglasses at the dollar store and then harassed Alice with them until she would stand still long enough to take a picture.

 Then Chelsi, Cassidy and I went for a walk around the dinosaur park and took pictures with Alice on the many colored benches.
 We stopped by Rainbow Gardens, Utah's "Unique Garden of Gifts." They had a lot of cute home and garden items, such as this loveseat. 
 On the 11th, we went to the Bright Eyes show at Pioneer Park. Try to ignore my lazy eye. ;)

Here's a video of Conor singing Land Locked Blues, my favorite Bright Eyes song of all time. It's pretty shaky because as I was recording, some girl next to us decided to go nuts and start falling on people and causing a ruckus.
The next day, Michael had to work so I took his place and volunteered with Chelsi at some Mormon Stories banquet thang. I'd love to explain what exactly I was volunteering for but I'm still kind of clueless... Click through to the website to find out what the organization is all about. 
We spent one night at the Barnard household playing this really stupid game called In A Pickle. You put down four cards from the deck and then you have to build on them with a card that could go inside of the first card. So if the word is garage, you have to play a word that could fit inside of a garage or that could fit a garage inside of it. You're only supposed to lay down 4 cards to create a set and then the person who lays down the fourth card gets to take the set. But for some reason no one would follow the rules and we kept building on to the four original cards... I suppose it could be fun if you're clever and enjoy arguing, but seeing as how I am neither of those things I was just annoyed. 
At some point in time we visited Costco and got our pictures taken with the giant teddy bears Chelsi wishes she had a reason to buy.

And then we had a mustache party to celebrate my leaving Ogden for the dorms...
It was a total success. Everyone had a blast.
I moved into the dorms on the 18th and after we were finished with that we headed down to the Ghostland Observatory concert at Pioneer Park. We got drunk beforehand and thought getting our picture taken with this van was the greatest thing since sliced bread.
Now I'm all moved in and I'm bored all the time because I have no one (Chelsi) to hang out with. :( I bought a ton of fresh vegetables though so I've been making delicious, healthy creations like this sandwich for myself. Overhard egg+lettuce+tomato+cheese+toasted bread. Mmmmm.

School starts tomorrow. I'm excited cause it's something to do outside of my room but bummed out because it means I'll have to start being studious and responsible. ugh.


Katie said...

I'm glad you're baaack.

sam said...

Aw thanks Katie, can't wait to see you tomorrow!