Monday, August 29, 2011

first week of school

I think my first week of school went pretty well. Here's my schedule, for stalking purposes.

FRNCH 2010 - Intermediate French I, MTWH 9:40-10:30
ANTH 1000 - Intro to Anthropology, MW 11:50-1:10
ANTH 1050 - Evolution of Human Nature, TH 10:45-12:05
ANTH 2040 - Anthropology of Humor and Laughter, T 6-9pm
PSY 1230 - Psychology of Adolescence, H 6-9pm

My first French class made me want to poop my pants and die but I think it's going to be okay. Intro to Anthropology is borrrring, Evolution of Human Nature is boring, Anthropology of Humor is awesome, and my Psych teacher is a babe. So. Yeah.

Besides going to class, I don't recall doing much of anything else this week...
 Mitch and I spent a lot of nights watching movies. Chelsi and Michael stopped by during Avatar and a wrestling match broke out.
 Paul had a party in his apartment on Friday to pre-game for Crimson Nights. More wrestling.
Mitch's family invited me to join them at Lagoon on Saturday. Here's a view from the top of a giant ferris wheel they have at the park. 
I have to throw this up here because it's so freaking cute. Chelsi took us inside of an old school Mormon furniture building at Lagoon and forced me and Cass to stand in one of the windows.

That pretty much sums up my first week back to school. I took a much needed 5-hour nap today and then went for a 10pm run with Corinne and now I'm going back to reading The Evidence for Evolution by Alan R. Rogers and Jokes: Philosophical Thoughts on Joking Matters by Ted Cohen. À bientôt!


Victoria said...

Psychology of Adolescence sounds cool :) Wish I could do such a diverse selection of modules. I don't even want to go 5/6 of mine.