Monday, August 27, 2012

it's been a while

My life, since the last time we spoke:
- I moved into a new house and it's awesome and I love it and I'm happy.
- I've made a lot of new friends.
- I've discovered that a lot of people don't like me.*
- I got my nose pierced. I was blackout and have no recollection but hey, that's what happens when you're living a life fueled by alcoholism.
- I booked a trip to Missouri for 10 days in November. I'm stoked. It might get me fired.
- For three weeks prior to the start of school, I was blackout drunk every single day. Starting school (plus a number of other things) made me realize that I might have a problem.
- I got a new car. If we're friends you already know this. If not, IT'S AWESOME.
- I haven't been sleeping very well. Here, look at the bags under my eyes:
ok bai

p.s.: if you missed my face, you can always view it here. YEAH I STILL USE DAILYBOOTH, sorry if you think i'm conceited idccccc

*People always dislike me (how can they not, I'm a giant asshole), but these people have absolutely no reason to not like me. They simply say that they hate me, with nothing to base it off of. It's chill, whateva.